Friday Farewell!

This week of Junior High 3 has been AMAZING!  What a blessing to spend this week with such incredible teenagers who passionately seek after truth and play so hard!  Our staff is exhausted but invigorated by their time spent with these campers, and we are very sad to see them go.


We had our Closing Rally this morning – parents and guardians arrived to pick up their campers, and we treated them to some action songs, the giving out of prizes, and a word from our speaker.

Mark Allen gave the campers a quick recap of what he had talked about this week, and left them with a challenge as they go forward into the new adventures ahead.

“This week at Camp we focused on owning your faith. Jesus tells us that we find life via a small gate and a narrow path (Matthew 7:14). It is when we choose him intentionally and learn to know him personally that we really find a life worth living. Many students still live in their parent’s basement when it comes to faith and Jr. High is a great time to move out and make your faith your own. It is so important because this generation of students is 40% religiously unaffiliated and the percentage of atheists has doubled from their parents’ generation to theirs. We need more students living for Jesus among their generation! I am praying God would move these students to make a difference in their world for Jesus.”

After the message and a Love Offering for our partner camps in Ukraine, we drew names from our verse buckets!  Campers got to memorize verses all week, and their name went into the bucket for each verse they were able to say to their counselor.  If chosen, they got to pie whichever staff member they wanted!


With a final “Thank you, God, for a really great WEEK!” campers headed home with their parents.  Camp is so excited to watch these teenagers head out into the world and a brand new school year.  We know that they are going to be doing great things for Jesus in their churches, schools, and communities!  Can’t wait for next summer!

To continue following the story of Camp Lebanon, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  For our full Facebook photo album, follow this link: Junior High 3 – Photo Album.

For full-sized versions of this week’s photos, go to our Google Drive Album!

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