Today, we had a super fun closing rally to say goodbye to our last group of Super Kids this summer.
Last night at the campfire, we sang worship songs, played a final round of “Gorilla Gets the Man,” heard from Bobber Bill and Don Mackay, and went on a Lion Hunt! To close the night, we did our traditional “Praise God” yell and listened for the echo circling around the lake.
Campers started the day with cabin clean up and packing their things. After clean up, we had flag raising and then breakfast.
Then, campers had some free time as parents started coming for the closing rally. When most of the parents had arrived, we gathered the campers inside for the end of the Mad Lib story.
It was then time to watch the slideshow and video of the fun we had this week!
After the video, we went outside for worship, prizes, offering, and of course, pies!
To close our closing rally, we thanked God for a really great final week of Super Kids.
Campers were then checked out and are now on their way home. We had such an awesome week with these campers, and we are so thankful to have gotten such a sweet group of kids. Thanks to parents for sending your kids here; we hope they had a fun week, and we look forward to seeing them back next year!
We would like to leave you with a message from our speaker, Don Mackay:
“This week has been an incredible experience! Our theme of ‘Knights of the Lord’s Table’ has permeated the music and teaching in our Chapels this week, through both fun action songs and more focused worship. I focused our messages this week on Victorious Faith. In each message, I was able to intertwine a challenging story from my 20 years serving in the Philippines and other mission trips around the world. Each day we have had a Victory Value. Sunday I spoke about Proper Prep using our 1 John 5:4-5 passage on how to be victorious overcomers. Monday we spoke of Daniel and Powerful Prayer. Tuesday we focused on the Cool Courage of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Wednesday on the Faithful Friends of the paralyzed man in Mark 2. Also Tuesday night we shared the gospel using the colors of the wordless book via bracelets, and several kids made first time commitments to following Christ. We had a Wonderful Week!!!”
Take Camp Home: Ask your camper what they will remember most about the week!
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For full-sized version of this week’s photos, go to our Google Drive Album!