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Adventurers #2 – Mini Everything!

The 2018 Summer Staff is so excited to welcome a second round of Adventurers to Camp Lebanon this summer! 

The 2018 Summer Staff is so excited to welcome a second round of Adventurers to Camp Lebanon this summer!  This is the smallest camp of our summer season, but these little campers are full of energy.  The staff loves spending lots of quality time playing, singing, swimming, bible reading, and laughing with these kiddos!

We welcomed campers on the Steps of Faith and introduced them to the staff members they will be hanging out with this week.  Then it was time to learn about lowering the flag, pray for our meal, and head down for a yummy dinner of BBQ sloppy joes, chips, veggies, and rice krispy treats!



After dinner, it was time for our introductory chapel and rules!  Campers heard all about the best ways they can have fun at Camp this week.  We heard from the life guards about waterfront safety, and from Bobber Bill and the fishing grandparents about how fishing works!

Then it was time for some crazy Camp songs and a message from our speaker for the week, Sir William of Bobber!

Sir William taught us a cheer for the week:  “God is King, I am not!  Long live the King!”  He talked to campers about how sometimes we want to take the crown for ourselves, but that God is the only true King.  Tonight, he spoke out of the beginning of the Bible – Genesis 1 – and described how God created everything!

TAKE CAMP HOME:  Talk to your camper about God as the King of our lives.  Sometimes, we decide that we want to put the crown on our own heads – what does that look like?  Ask your camper about a time when they decided that they wanted to wear the crown, and talk about why only God is the King!

After chapel, campers got to eat some snacks from the Canteen and play for a little bit on the Hub.  Then the staff are going to put on some fun skits before sending the campers off to bed!  We had a great first day of Adventurers 2!  We can’t wait to spend more time with these great campers tomorrow!

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Adventurers 2 – Photo Album


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