A Musical Quilt ReTWEET!

A recap of Spring Quilt 2019 - what a musical month of March we've had!

Then Sings My Soul

This Spring Quilt ReTWEET was all about birds and song. Whether we were learning about different kinds of birds from Professor Bird Brain, or about the origins of some of our favorite hymns, this quilt season was quite melodic!

There were even special musical guests – We Three Kings came to perform during one retreat, on a couple of nights Rich Olson and Parker Anderson did a “foot stompin’ hand clappin'” hymn sing, and Danielle and Vonnie Elker played cello and piano for us during another meal. What a blessing to enjoy the talents of so many musicians at Camp!

On another evening, Lisa did a lesson on the transformation of John Newton from slave ship captain to preacher.  She featured the beautiful rendition and story of Wintley Phipps singing Amazing Grace. This moving piece was so well received and many asked for the link, which is below.  Then we ended the evening with a reading of Psalm 34 by instructor, Kris Otto and sang the hymn “How Great Thou Art.”



Making Beautiful Things

It is incredible to see the many beautiful creations of the quilters who come to camp every season. An amazing team of Quilt Instructor volunteers come to help each weekend, assisting with layout, pinning, borders, and even math! Everyone gets the chance to “Show N Tell” their projects throughout the weekend – hearing the stories behind the quilts, scrapbooks, and other projects, is so much fun.

It Is Well With My Soul

Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!

“Happy” by Pharrell Williams

Every weekend started out with a little dance party in the Dining Hall, with Quilt Instructors and volunteers clapping and singing along to the song “Happy.” The theme of “Spring ReTWEET” and “Then Sings My Soul” was touched on every time. The song talks about being happy, even when times are hard (“here comes bad news, talkin’ this and that”).

A phrase that continually came up throughout the retreat was “Good and hard are travel buddies” – and isn’t that so true? In so many famous hymns and stories of hymn writers, singing and suffering are companion themes. And that is true in our own lives. We won’t always be happy happy happy, but we can know a deep joy that comes from resting in Christ. Something happens in our hearts when we worship, giving an offering of praise even when we don’t feel like it, or when our circumstances make it difficult. We can sing! The opposite of singing a new song is “silent ruin” in Hebrew. Like the Israelites, we can sing the old old story with powerful new melody of victory day by day.

Oh sing to the Lord a new song,
    for he has done marvelous things!

Psalm 98:1

This season of Quilt & Craft retreats was so full of singing, laughter, and joy. Thanks to everyone who came and brought their projects, their friends, and their smiling faces. Remember to look at the birds, and trust the One who counts the sparrows.

See you in the Fall!

See more photos on our Facebook Page.

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