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Diving Deep at Men’s Advance

Read a quick recap of our 2019 Men's Advance!

Men’s Advance at Camp Lebanon is a short but intense retreat, with a focus on deep study of God’s Word, alongside great moments of fun and fellowship. This year’s retreat was no exception – our teacher, Dr. Michael Wise, brought the men in attendance deep into Scripture to revisit who we are, how deeply we are loved, and how that impacts or faith walk. Dr. Wise also presented a special session on the last day on the impact of The Dead Sea Scrolls, a topic in which he specializes. The focus on studying God’s Word and interacting with it in small groups after each chapel session was well worth the time.

There was plenty of room for fun as well. It was our second year of Laser Tag at Men’s Advance! And there was particular interest in playing Pickleball this year – when the guys weren’t in chapel, there were always several playing the game out on the three chalked courts! As always, other fun recreational activities were available – ping pong, pool, disc golf, and 9-square. Praise God for a warm weekend that reminded us that spring really is here! (hopefully to stay)

Over 120 men joined us for Men’s Advance this year. We are so grateful to Dr. Wise for coming to speak, and to the various group leaders and pastors who made a point to bring guys to Camp for this event! Looking forward to Men’s Retreat in the Fall!

See more photos on our Facebook Page.

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