Super Kids 1 – Goodbye, Campers!

What an incredible week at Super Kids 1 Summer Camp!  It’s been a blast getting to know all of these great 3rd-6th graders, and we are sad to see them leave so soon.  But this week was so packed with fun as we learned about our Awesome Creator and His amazing Creation!

Today, campers had to get all their things loaded up, clean their cabins, and have a delicious breakfast before parents started to arrive.  Parents came for the 10am Closing Rally, where we handed out prizes to Polar Dippers, the winner of Gorilla Gets the Man, and the Fishing Contest winners!

Then we heard a final short message from our speaker, Wendy, who challenged the campers to continue digging their roots in deep in God’s Word so that they can grow, like a tree, “True North.”

Here’s a note from Wendy to campers and parents:

This week we started at the very beginning of God’s Word and saw what AWESOME CREATION He has made, how He created it all in SIX days and then on the 7th day He blessed the work of His hands and rested.  We took a look at Romans 1:19-20 which tells us that we can KNOW the truth about God because He has made it OBVIOUS…through everything He made, we can see His eternal power and His divine nature.  All creation points to our AWESOME CREATOR-JESUS!

The kids learned John 1:1, 2, 3 and 14 where we see that in the very beginning Jesus (the Word) was present and that ALL things were made through Him.  We talked about how Jesus came to live among us and gave His life so that His highest creation (You and I) could be free from sin and have everlasting life – because GOD LOVED and GOD GAVE, we have the choice to BELIEVE IN JESUS (put our Trust in Him) and decide to follow Jesus – to do life with the One who made us!

Our AWESOME CREATOR IS STILL CREATING!  He continues to create new life, life that has meaning and purpose.  He allows us to become New Creations in Him (2 Cor. 5:17). And we see that He is preparing our HOME (John 14:1-4).  The kids learned that we have to Dig Down Deep by getting into God’s Word in order to Grow True North – True North is Home, all creation points to Heaven and to our very AWESOME CREATOR.  Take the challenge of seeing God’s remarkable design everyday – don’t miss it!!!

At every Closing Rally, we also have a Love Offering for our sister camp in Ukraine.  Today, we raised over $1000 to send to that Camp and help them spread the love of Jesus!  What a blessing!

And then, we finish off the Closing Rally by drawing names from the verse buckets (campers who memorized verses got to put their names into a bucket) to see which campers get to pie a staff member of their choice!

It was such an amazing week, and such a great way for these campers to kick off their summer!  We hope that they will continue to seek out God’s signature in His Creation, and to get into God’s Word so that they can learn more about their Awesome Creator and how much He loves them!

Thank you, God, for a REALLY GREAT SUPER KIDS 1!!!

You can follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to keep getting updates about the summer and other camp events year round!

Super Kids 1 – Facebook Photo Album

P.S. Keep an eye on your email inbox for an email with the link to High Quality Photos & the Video of the Week!  Thank you for following the story!

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