Adventurers – Day Two

Day Two of our summer camp adventure!

Hello from Day Two of Adventurers summer camp!  Campers woke up early this morning for Polar Dip and a yummy breakfast of French Toast sticks, sausage, fruit, and oatmeal!  Then it was off to clean up their cabins before the big, all camp photo!  Everyone gathered on the Steps of Faith to have their picture taken.  Check out the “goofy” version below!

Then it was time for some fun options before Chapel, including BB guns, Puddle Jumping (it was a little bit of a rainy morning), Fishing, and Crafts!  At Chapel this morning, we learned about the Awesome Creation.  Bobber Bill told us about the book of Genesis, and about how God created everything out of nothing!

TAKE CAMP HOME:  Ask your camper to tell you what they learned about the Creation story!  How many days did it take God to create the universe?  What did He say about His Creation when He was finished?

After Chapel, campers took a trek up to the North 40 Field for some fun relay games with their cabin groups!  The games usually involved adding people to the hula hoop as cabins ran around the bucket in the middle.

Lunch was chicken fingers, mac & cheese, salad, and fruit for dessert.  Campers also got to see a fun skit before going to their cabins to get their mail and have some rest time, which we call “Toes-Up Time.”  Campers needed to get some rest and relaxation before the BIG GAME of the day – the (drum roll, please) Staff Hunt!

For the Staff Hunt, campers get to play a massive game of hide and seek with the summer staff, but with a fun twist – the staff member they find gets pushed in the lake!  Staff found great hiding places all over Camp, and campers got to run around hunting for them.  The line of campers who had caught staff was longer than it has ever been, stretching all the way in front of the Chalet!

Then it was Free Time!  Which, for most campers, meant two things: Swim Time and Fishing Time!  There were also lots of campers playing games on the Hub or making really fun art projects in the Craft Room.  Free Time is also a fun time to hang out with their counselor and cabin groups.

TAKE CAMP HOME:  Campers spent a lot of time in or near the water today!  Ask your camper about their favorite waterfront activity.  Did they go fishing?  Did they catch anything?  What about swimming – did they go down the slide?  Did they play on the watermat?  How many times do they think they jumped into the lake off of the dock?

The big event of today came after a delicious dinner of spaghetti and meatballs!  The Camp Carnival is held down on the Lower Field, in and around the Wiffleball Stadium.  Staff set up games and activities for campers to enjoy.  At some of them, campers can win tickets, which they can use to bring a staff member of their choice to the dunk tank!  There is also face painting, crazy hair, fun music to dance to, and a slip-n-slide!

Campers will have a little Canteen time this evening before Chapel.  Bobber Bill will talk more tonight about God’s Creation, but in particular about The Creator’s Book.  Campers were encouraged to bring their Bibles to Chapel tonight, as they will be learning more about how God provided us with His instructions for how to live while we are in the world He created!

TAKE CAMP HOME:  Ask your camper about their Bible (maybe open it up together).  Remind yourselves about how many books of the Bible there are.  Can your camper find Genesis 1:1, the very first verse that we learned this week?  What does it mean when we say that the Bible is God’s love letter to His Creation?  How is it a “rescue plan to save His lost people?”

Good night from Camp Lebanon and these amazing Adventurers!  We can’t wait to share more with you about our day tomorrow!

To continue following the story this week, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  Don’t forget to download the Camp App for notifications and easy access to Summer Camp info!

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