Junior High 2 – Day Six

The last day of Junior High 2! Pies flew, prizes were handed out - thank you God for a really great week!

It was the last day of Junior High 2 today!  Campers welcomed their parents to Camp for the Closing Rally.  We started off with the Photo and Video Shows in the Main Hall, followed by a big rally out on the Steps of Faith.  We sang some fun songs, heard another message from Joe, and gave a Love Offering to a camp in Senegal.

Campers got prizes for the Polar Dip (if they did it every day), for the biggest fish, and for winning Gorilla Gets the Man!  We also introduced parents to the Hippo song.  We also got to meet the summer-long characters for the last time, and resolved their story.   

TAKE CAMP HOME:  Ask your campers about the summer characters – what were they up to all week?

Then it was time for pies to fly!  Campers to said verses all week were entered into the drawing to pie a staff member of their choice.

It was a great week of summer camp!  We loved having all of these incredible campers here this week – can’t wait for next year!  Thank you, God, for a really great Junior High 2!


To continue following the story throughout the year, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  Don’t forget to download the Camp App for notifications and easy access to Summer Camp info!  Check your inbox for an email that will include a link to the High Quality photos from the week.

TAKE CAMP HOME:  We’ve created a document that can help you have conversations with your camper about their week at Camp!  Check it out here.

Junior High 2 – Facebook Photo Album

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