Super Kids 2 – Day Three

Hello from the third day of Super Kids 2!  It’s been a great day of summer camp already, but first we should catch up on what happened last night.  We played a super fun game called Capture the Flag, with some fun Camp Lebanon twists thrown in.  There was lots of water and staff in costumes involved.  The sun was setting beautifully over the lake, and campers got to play several rounds of the game before heading off to a restful sleep!

Campers were also keeping their eyes open for God’s fingerprint in Creation, and they found a teeny tiny frog!  What a marvelous creature!

This morning, campers woke up to another beautiful Camp day.  Some went to Polar Dip, everyone had a delicious breakfast, and everyone met in the Main Hall for Morning Chapel.  Then it was time for Free Time and Cabin Adventure.  A bunch of cabins grouped up today to have cabin adventures together, including a couple of cabins who played Wiffleball in Legends Field, and two more that played a game of Water Dodgeball.  And another cabin learned how to make chevron friendship bracelets from their counselor!

Then it was time for lunch, before we had another Mail Call skit.  Campers are still getting to know our summer-long characters, and had some fun watching their antics again this afternoon before heading off to Toes-Up Time.

After Toes-Up, we had a special big Camp game – the Staff Hunt!  Campers wait in the Main Hall while almost our entire summer staff find places to hide all over Camp.  Then campers are released to go find them.  If they find a staff member, they get to push them in the lake!  It’s a classic game, and the staff this week didn’t even mind, since it meant they got to cool off in the lake on a very hot day.  And, of course, campers got to go swimming at Free Time, which started as soon as the game was over.

There wasn’t only swimming during Free Time, but lots of crafts (which moved into the air conditioning of the Main Hall for the afternoon), zipline, laser tag, and fishing!

Tonight, campers are looking forward to a yummy dinner, followed by one of the biggest events of the week – the Carnival!  Campers will get to play games, win tickets, and dunk their counselors in a dunk tank.  We’ll post pictures and share more about the Carnival in tomorrow’s blog post, along with a recap of tonight’s Chapel!

We’ve had a great day so far with all these amazing Super Kids!  Can’t wait to spend even more time with them tomorrow.  To continue following the story this week, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  Don’t forget to download the Camp App for notifications and easy access to Summer Camp info!

Super Kids 2 – Facebook Photo Album

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