Senior High – Day Five

Last night’s chapel service was about when troubles come calling.  Rocky talked about how the Bible tells us that we will encounter troubles in this life (1 Peter 4:12), troubles that can stand in the way of our faith in Christ if we let them.  God is not surprised by our troubles, and has a purpose behind the things that happen to us.  Rocky talked about how significant and profound experiences with God will often be in our darkest days – so why let trials hold us captive?

TAKE CAMP HOME:  Read Psalm 34:18, John 9:3, and 2 Corinthians 4:17.  Then read the story from Matthew about Jesus and his cousin, John the Baptist (Matthew 14:1-21).  Talk to your camper about this passage – ask them about Jesus’ response to John’s death.  Talk about how we can make sure problems don’t get in the way of what we are called to do.  Pray together that God would use troubles to draw you closer to Him.

Today was Sleep In Day!  Campers got an extra hour to sleep in this morning before having breakfast in bed, delivered by Camp staff!  Then the morning continued in the usual way – Polar Dip, TAG Time, and Morning Chapel, followed by a brief Canteen time before Clinics & Seminars.    Then it was time to line-up for lunch, before watching the next video from our Mail Call series.

Then it was Free Time!  Today was very very windy, so there weren’t too many campers who went out in boats.  We still had some swimmers, but lots of campers went to the Craft Room to work on the Craft of the Day – painting tiny little clay pots for succulent plants!

Tonight’s themed meal was the traditional Formal Night!  Campers and Staff got all dressed up and went to the Dining Hall, which was decked out with candles, paper lanterns, white table cloths, and place settings.  Campers mingled at their tables while Staff served them plated meals!  Tonight, we had tropical chicken with a fruity salsa, wild rice pilaf, a vegetable medley, dinner rolls, and a wonderful dessert – Coconut Creme Crumble!  After campers ate, the went out to the windy waterfront to take photos with each other and hang out before the Competition Finale!

Now it’s time for campers to head up for the last chapel of the week at the tent.  After Chapel, we’ll come back to main Camp to get into our long pants, sweatshirts, and put on bug spray before the Campfire Trek!  We’ll head out to Bass Point for the biggest campfire of the summer, where we’ll hear more from Rocky, sing some fun campfire songs, and look at the stars.  We can’t wait!

Tomorrow is the last day – Closing Rally, when parents get to see the highlight video and slideshow, and campers can tell them all about the week they have had.  To continue following the story of Camp all year long, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  Don’t forget to download the Camp App for notifications and easy access to Summer Camp info!  Check your email inbox tomorrow after the Closing Rally for an email with links to high quality photos from the week, the video of the week, and a PDF document with some discussion questions for talking to your camper about their week at Camp!

Senior High – Facebook Photo Album

Read these next.

0 thoughts on “Senior High – Day Five”

  1. After reading the last day’s activities, and the beautiful dinner time so beautifully served, etc, etc, I just sunk into my chair and said, “Thank you sweet Jesus, for our incredible Camp Lebanon and these incredible young people who serve You in ministering to these precious campers…. So unreservedly. A total blessing for this 92 year old who recognizes the value of serving our Lord. Thank you. Each one of you-:)

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