Senior High – Day Six

Closing Rally Day!  Parents arrived to see the video and slideshow of the week, and then headed out to the Steps of Faith for the rest of the rally.  We sang some throwback Camp songs, heard another message from our speaker Rocky, and handed out prizes for fishing, Polar Dip, and Gorilla Gets the Man!

Bobber Bill took the stage to tell campers about the two camps that we support in Ukraine, for which the Love Offering today would go towards.  Thanks to the incredible generosity of our campers and their parents, we beat our goal and are going to send over $1600 to those two camps!

We also honored our graduating seniors, who were youth campers for the last time this week!  In particular, Bobber Bill celebrated those who had been attending Camp since they were Adventurers, by passing out one of our Camp CDs from 2003.

Then it was time for pies to fly!  Campers (& staff) say verses all week for a chance to pie a staff member of their choice.

It was an amazing week of Senior High Camp – we love these campers, and can’t wait to see them back at Camp, whether for another youth camp, Young Adult Retreats, or on our summer staff in the future!  Thank you, God, for a really great Senior High Week!

To continue following the story of Camp all year long, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  Don’t forget to download the Camp App for notifications and easy access to Summer Camp info!  Check your email inbox soon for an email with links to high quality photos from the week, the video of the week, and a PDF document with some discussion questions for talking to your camper about their week at Camp!

Senior High – Facebook Photo Album

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