Super Kids 3 – Day Two

Today has been a blast!  We started the day with a wake-up bell at 7:40am, for campers who wanted to jump in the lake for our Polar Dip.  Then we raised the flag at the Steps of Faith before having a delicious pancake and sausage breakfast (don’t forget the Camp Lebanon oatmeal)!

Then it was time for the Big Camp Picture!  Here’s a goofy shot:


After the picture, campers headed in to Morning Chapel with Bobber Bill.  Then it was time for some morning Free Time, followed by Cabin Adventures with their cabin groups and their counselor.  Campers did a variety of fun activities together, from playing some games on the Lower Field to coloring bandanas, to going Corcling, to playing 9-square!

Then it was time for Lunch Line-Up.  Lunch today was chicken fingers, mac ‘n’ cheese, salad, and fruit.  Then campers had a fun Skit on the Steps of Faith, where they got to meet our summer-long characters for the first time before heading up for a half-hour of Toes-Up Time in their cabins (where they would also collect their mail for the day).

Then it was time for a Big Game to kick off Free Time!  Everyone trekked up to the North 40 Field for some super fun relay games, involving hula hoops, dodgeballs, and hockey sticks.  These games are always a fun time, and a great chance for cabins to cheer on their teams and get to know one another better.

Free Time was lots of fun, especially at the waterfront.  After all the rain yesterday, it was really cool to see the campers hanging out in the sunshine, splashing each other and sometimes tackling each other on the watermats.

Then we had a delicious dinner of pasta & meatballs, salad, and cheesecake for dessert!  After dinner, it was time for chapel with our speaker, Jackson Standafer.  Tonight Jackson introduced campers to the Awesome Creation!  We learned that God is eternal, and that He created everything (Gen 1:1) out of nothing!  He created in 6 days (and rested on the 7th), and His highest creation is us!  We are made in the image of God (Gen 1:26-27).  Not only that, but God made everything good!

Campers were challenged to thinking about what it means for them that God is the Awesome Creator.  They can remember that God is powerful, that life has a purpose, and that they are each special!

TAKE CAMP HOME:  Read the Creation story with your camper (Gen 1).  Ask them to talk about their favorite day of Creation – what are some things in God’s Creation that make them say “wow!” or “awesome!”  Ask your camper what it means to be made in God’s image.  How do they feel to know that God made them, and that everything He made was VERY good?

After Chapel tonight, campers will have some evening Free Time while the Canteen is open, followed by a fun all-camp game of Capture the Flag (with a few Camp Lebanon twists)!  We’ll share pictures from Capture the Flag tomorrow!  Until then, continue following the story of Camp this week.  Follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  Don’t forget to download the Camp App for notifications and easy access to Summer Camp info!

Super Kids 3 – Facebook Photo Album

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