Super Kids 3 – Day Three

Last night after Chapel, campers played a few rounds of Capture the Flag, with some fun Camp Lebanon twists!  Camp Staff dressed up in costumes and sprayed campers with water.  It was a really fun game to end off our first full day of Camp!

This morning, campers had a delicious breakfast and headed in to morning chapel, before having some Free Time and Cabin Adventure time!  Today is Tie-Dye day, so there were lots of campers tying their shirts & bandanas and making some really colorful creations.

Then it was time for lunch (nachos!) before another Skit time, Mail Call, and Toes-Up Time.  Campers took a little rest/nap break after lunch before coming down to the chapel for a game of Pillowcase Scavenger Hunt.  Before coming back from Toes-Up, each cabin had to fill one pillowcase full of random items from their cabin.  If they had an item that was on the list the staff had made, their cabin got a point!

On to Free Time!  Today was a very busy day on the waterfront and at zipline!  Campers had a great time trying to go upside down on the Screamin’ Eagle Zipline, or jumping off of the high dive on the Raft.

After dinner tonight, campers will go to the Carnival!  The summer staff put together a big event down on the Lower Field and Wiffleball Stadium, with games and prizes and even a dunk tank!  We’ll post pictures and more about the Carnival tomorrow in the next blog post, where we’ll also recap tonight’s chapel for you!  Until then, continue following the story of Camp this week.  Follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  Don’t forget to download the Camp App for notifications and easy access to Summer Camp info!

Super Kids 3 – Facebook Photo Album

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