Young Adult Retreat // Winter – 2019 Recap

Read a quick recap of Young Adult Retreat // Winter, with a link to more photos!

December 2019 said goodbye to an amazing Quilt season and welcomed in 70+ young adults to our YAR // Winter retreat! Young Adults age 18-35 arrived at Camp Lebanon on Friday to a Chalet & Hub decked out in white Christmas lights, and a crackling bonfire. The YAR Team had planned a great weekend and couldn’t wait to get started! First, everyone gathered in the Main Hall to worship and prepare their hearts for the weekend. After playing a traditional game of Progressive Rock Paper Scissors, hearing the rules for the weekend, and being introduced to the YAR Team, the young adults had the chance to get to know each other in their assigned small groups!

Our speaker for the retreat was Tate Watts, who spoke about the culture that we live in today and the encouragement and challenge we have in the good news of the Gospel message. After each chapel session, young adults would gather in their small groups and interact with the message through prepared questions. There were several other opportunities to learn throughout the weekend through our visiting workshop teachers as well!

There were plenty of fun activities/”optional options” to pick from throughout the weekend. On the first night, we had a Game Show Night, hosted by Mitch Geiken (some of the games included “Hallmark or HOAX?” and “Don’t Forget the Lyrics!”).

Saturday morning, those who had signed up ahead of time went up to the Eagle’s Nest for a Paint Pouring class. They got to play with colors and create a truly unique piece of wall art that was all their own.

The highlight on Saturday night was the EPIC Christmas Party in the Dining Hall. After a dinner that payed homage to The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (including “Roast Beast,” a delicious ham carved by Chef Jim himself), young adults could take part in the Gingerbread House-Building Contest, Christmas Trivia, Christmas Crafts, and a Photo Wall.

There were plenty of outdoor options for those willing to brave the cold. Young Adults took hikes, snow-shoed, played some games of Broomball on the tennis courts (the lake ice was not quite solid enough yet), and played Snow Ultimate down on the Lower Field.

Young Adult Retreat // Winter was so much fun, and we had a blast getting to know the young adults to attended. It’s gotten Camp Lebanon all excited for welcoming everyone back for our YAR // Spring event (coming May 2020, mark your calendars)!

It has been a great 2019 at Camp Lebanon – thank you to everyone who visited and supported us this year. We are looking forward to an amazing 2020 – to God be the glory!

Check out more photo memories from Young Adult Retreat // Winter on Facebook, and head to our SmugMug Album for the high quality versions!

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