Hey Young Adults! It feels like FOREVER! So why should you be excited for YAR // Spring this year? Great question! We caught up with Mariah, the fearless leader of the YAR Leadership Team, and asked her why she was excited for the upcoming retreat. She would’ve kept talking forever, so we cut her off after she listed her first 10 reasons why she is especially excited for this year!

Brian is back!
Brian Silver, Pastor at Hope Community Church – Lowertown, is back to speak at YAR again! Brian is a gifted communicator and we especially appreciate the way he dives deep into the Word and unpacks the core message of the Gospel.

Bleach Tie-Dye Craft

YAR Unplugged
This year, the Bonus Day focus is “YAR Unplugged,” spawning from the perceived need to rest, take a breath, shut off the noise, and spend time in God’s Word & creation with God’s people. This year has been filled with a pandemic, political tension, and racial unrest. So many of us are stressed, fearful, and on edge. For this “unplugged” Bonus Day, you will be offered the opportunity to disconnect from your phone, social media, screens, and news sources. While not mandatory, we would love to have you join us for a 24 hour technology cleanse. We’re even planning an afternoon tea party to help with the “detox” process!

Small Groups
Now more than ever, connecting to other humans is a HUGE priority. Young Adult Retreat is going to give you the chance to dive deeper on chapel sessions with a small group. Spend the weekend learning more about each other, eating together, sitting in chapels together, and even doing activities together! When you register for the weekend, you’ll be given the option to choose your group or be assigned to one. If you choose to be assigned to a group, our YAR Team will be grouping 2-4 housing units for a group of 6-10 total people (guys and girls). Not only will this help everyone stay safe and follow COVID-19 guidelines, but it will also help create bonds that will hopefully stretch far beyond the retreat weekend!

Led by our own Camp Lebanon Band, you’ll experience daily worship sessions in the tent (that’s right, we bought a tent so we can have chapels outside!). Not only will there be worship during chapel sessions, but there are plans to include early morning Worship sessions before breakfast as well! Bring your mask, social distance, and spend some time worshiping God with other young adults without any distractions. 🎵

Live-Action Mario Kart
Human Mario Kart is back at YAR! Strap on your running shoes, grab those turtle shells, impersonate your favorite character, and get ready to experience a brand new track. No video game controllers needed, as you get to be in the race yourself. Mario Kart was a blast the first time around in 2019 and we can’t wait to jump back in to one of the best video games again this year. Think you have what it takes to win? You better find some star power, brace yourself for an incoming blue shell, and get ready for the FUNNEST battle of your life. 🍄

Paddleboats, canoes, kayaks, and, pontoon boats – the opportunities to be out on Cedar Lake abound! At this time of year, you might spot a beaver gnawing down a tree, catch a turtle or two at Turtle Bay, or spot our family of loons. Just don’t fall (or jump!) in...the water might be a tad on the chilly side! 🚣

All day. Everyday. Free. Enough said, don’t you think? ☕

Great Hammocking Spots!
That’s right – if you can find a spot to set up a hammock, you’ve got a relaxing spot for the whole retreat! Perfect for some outdoor reading, chatting, or snoozing. 😴

Campfire & S'mores
It doesn’t really feel like you’ve spent a weekend at Camp until you’re washing that campfire smell out of your sweatshirts, amiright? 🔥 Don’t worry, you’ll also get to experience those sticky marshmallow fingers from your first Camp s’more of the season!