“Woo Hoo! We’re back!” Capacities were reduced and masks were on, but Camp was thrilled to welcome back four full sessions of quilters and crafters in March. As happy as they were just to be back on site, guests were even more delighted by the service, quilt shops (Quilt Haven on Main – Hutchinson & Quilter’s JEM – East Grand Forks), delicious meals, sweet fellowship, and spiritual encouragement. In the words of one blessed quilter, “It was so good to step away from ‘regular’ life, interact with others, and be renewed by Scripture.”

Joy For The Journey
The bicycle motif brought fresh perspective on keeping our joy (and balance!) as we pedal this crazy, bumpy path called “life.” Insights from the Tour de France brought parallel illustrations for finding renewed strength for the uphill climb as well as endurance for the long, winding miles ahead. Even the menu took on a “French flair” as Camp’s kitchen staff served out new favorites such as Beef Bourguignon and French Macaroon cookies!

“Bible lessons at mealtime are very captivating. Plus being in an atmosphere of camaraderie, sharing, giving, teaching, nurturing and nature. Loved every minute!”
Quilter Tweet
Bible studies cycled through Philippians, teaching that JOY is a by-product of our thinking. As he was writing from prison, Paul’s life, attitude, and faith exemplified how to experience joy in the natural strain of everyday “normal” life. What we THINK about and the mindset we choose daily impacts both our worship of God and our service toward others. How we think and what we think can also steer us towards a pathway of joy, love, unity, and peace. We also referred to a bible study by Becky Meyerson and Kristin Fink called “The Volcano,” which offers a helpful grid for processing emotions while guiding us to healthier ways of thinking after the pattern of Philippians 4:8:
“Finally, whatever is TRUE, whatever is NOBLE, whatever is RIGHT, whatever is PURE, whatever is LOVELY, whatever is ADMIRABLE. If anything is EXCELLENT or WORTHY OF PRAISE, think about these things.”

A New Taste
A fun new addition to the retreat was the delivery of Saturday’s lunch to guests. Quilt instructors and staff were happy to bring to each workstation the musette, French for the bag lunch delivered to all riders in the Tour de France. Each insulated “blessing” bag contained a delicious collection of food and a special gift: a beautiful Camp Lebanon soup mug holding a container of Chicken Wild Rice Soup (a guest favorite!) The ladies loved it! One wrote, “The Saturday Bag Lunch was over the top AMAZINGNESS!”

“I come here for my peace and comfort. Everyone is so nice. I plan this trip with excitement and joy.”
Quilter Tweet
Bargain Barn Blessing
We were happy to bring back the “Bargain Barn” craft garage sale for our spring retreats! This year’s proceeds were dedicated to refurbishing camp’s fleet of three pontoons in memory of Michael & Jaxson Berwald (Lisa Abeler’s brother and 9-year-old great-nephew who passed away January 9 in an ATV ice fishing accident) and Steve Larson (brother of Camp Registrar Faith Petersen, who passed away suddenly on February 23.) The total funds donated in March to the Memorial Fund/Bargain Barn Pontoon project exceeded $10,000. Additionally, more than $1000 was given to the Scholarship Fund through coffee donations. Our quilt friends are AMAZING! And our God is awesome!