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Super Kids 1 – Day 5

Wow! What a fun week it has been!! We can’t believe it is already over!  Campers, we definitely enjoyed having you at camp as much as you enjoyed coming.  The last 24 hours have been a whirlwind but in a quick glance, we can remember all of the fun things we did!

God is the Creator, Savior and the Ultimate Victor.  Last night at Chapel, campers shared hard things that happened this past year, things that hurt and caused tears.  We looked at Revelation 21:3-7 and learned about what God is going to do for believers.  He promises to wipe away every tear and even death will be removed.

This is such good news!  While we wait, we have a GIANT opportunity to share this good news with others!  Campers came up on stage and acted out pieces of the gospel.  They practiced telling about each part so they can share the Good News with their friends! Darla reminded campers that the best way to share Jesus is by telling about what he has done in their life!


Ask your camper about each part of the gospel story!  We saw it on display again this morning at The Grand Finale. 

At last night’s campfire, we DID go on a Lion Hunt! Sadly, we did not catch a lion.  Maybe next time!  

We did several favorite action songs from the week and ended our time at Bass Point with a “Praise God” shout!  Everyone shouts “Praise God” as loud as they can and we all stop at once.  Then we can hear it echo across that lake as travels to the other side and bounces back.


All week long there was a competition called Gorilla Gets the Man.  It’s like Rock, Paper, Scissors but with different actions.  Ask your camper to teach it to you!

We loved getting to share some of our week with you at the Closing Rally!  What a fun time receiving prizes and getting to pie staff.  Not to mention we set a new record for a Super Kids free will offering! We are so excited to bless the camps in Ukraine! 

Enjoy the rest of your summer!  We look forward to see everyone again soon!


Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below!  Perfect to download, share, and print!


Enjoy the video from your camper’s week at the link below!  

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