Senior High – Day 4

At last night’s Chapel, Drew shared a story of two moutains.  One is the mountian of fear that is shrouded in shame, gloom and storms.  The second mountain is a mountain of joy and peace.  Being in the presence of the first mountain makes us want to hide as we feel the weight of our sin and guilt.  However, we cannot approach the mountain of joy because of our unholiness and separation from God.  But God made a way for us to enjoy that mountain.  We can repent from our sin and accept Christ’s offer of forgiveness, receiving his righteousness and a restored relationship with God.

Drew asked us to consider what fear, shame, or guilt might be sitting on us.  In Mark, we see God is a God who causes mountains to crumble into the sea.  When we are in Christ, these mountains of sin have no power.  Let’s throw them in the sea and see how God moves!!

With the hot weather and a very full schedule yesterday, campers enjoyed a more relaxed day today.  Our morning followed the usual rhythm as campers did the Polar Dip before breakfast and Chapel. 

In women’s Chapel they talked about how God is near and we can cry out to him!  In men’s Chapel, campers looked at the question, how do we deal with tragedy?  Tragedy is combated with hope.  In Christ, we have an eternal hope that will not be shaken.


Ask your camper to share what they learned in morning Chapels this week!

Campers had Team Time this morning, giving groups an opportunity to work on their projects.  Teams were given a song on Sunday evening along with a task to create a live action music video.  They will perform their production for the other campers tomorrow evening.  Final details are being worked out as opening night draws near!


With so many afternoon options, campers can try different activities each day.  How did your camper enjoy their free time?

After free time, campers were wished a Happy St. Thanksmasaweenster Day as we celebrated all of last years skipped holidays at once!  Dinner included sweet potatoes, honey glazed ham, mashed potatoes, a salad bar, dinner rolls and celebratory cake cups!  What a holiday meal!

After dinner, campers headed to evening Chapel were Drew talked about what it means to be a tree.  Trees don’t have to work really hard to produce fruit, they bear fruit according to their kind and as a result of being watered and having the proper nutrients.  Likewise, we don’t have to work really hard to produce the fruits of the Spirit.  We are supposed to abide in Christ and the fruit will follow as a result of walking with God.  Drew encouraged campers to turn to Jesus and bear fruit.

Senior Highers gathered in the Hub for an Ice Cream Social.  With sundaes or floats, and different toppings, there was something for everyone to enjoy.  Campers gathered to fellowship and enjoy live music provided by the staff.  Campers could also play volleyball, octoball or four square as we enjoyed one another this evening.

Campers enjoyed connecting with one another in God’s beautiful creation.  We are looking forward to another wonderful day tomorrow as we see God, our Mighty Savior in new ways! 


Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below!  Perfect to download, share, and print!

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