Junior High 3 – Day 4

At last night’s chapel, our speaker Drew talked about another part of Creation that points us towards our Mighty Savior.  Last night, we learned about mountains – specifically two mountains: The Mountain of Shame and The Mountain of Joy!  Drew talked to campers about how to move from shame to joy.  


Ask your camper about the mountains that Drew talked about during chapel.  How can we move from The Mountain of Shame to the Mountain of Joy?  

This morning, campers spent even more time in God’s word during their TAG time.  It is such a peaceful time at Camp in the mornings, with campers spreading out all over the main area of Camp and reading the Bible.  After TAG time, everyone squished together on the Steps of Faith for the All-Camp Picture – below is the goofy version!

Then it was time for Morning Chapel.  Guys and Girls split up and hear from different staff members about a particular topic.  Then they split off into their cabin groups to discuss what they learned.

After lunch, campers went to Clinics & Seminars.  And then it was time for Free Time!  Today, our photographer spent a lot of time up at the Screamin’ Eagle Zipline and captured some really fun moments on camera!  A few of them are below, and the rest will be in the SmugMug album linked at the bottom of this page!


Let’s talk about Free Time!  What was your camper’s favorite way to spend Free Time over the course of their week?  Did they have any adventures?  Did they try anything they had never done before?  What are some things they didn’t get the chance to do that they might want to do next summer?

When Free Time was over, campers went to lower the flag and have dinner (tonight, we had salad, orange chicken, rice, veggies, and raspberry sorbet!  It was a beautiful night – lots of cabins chose to eat their meals outside today, because of how lovely the weather was!  

Now it is time for Chapel in the tent!  After chapel tonight there will be some evening Free Time, followed by a night game!  We’ll tell you more about that and tonight’s chapel in tomorrow’s blog!


Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below!  Perfect to download, share, and print!

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