It is a happy, windy Monday at Camp Lebanon – Super Kids spent all day running around and enjoying beautiful sunshine and breezes that helped keep us cool on a warm day. This morning, campers woke up and started tidying their cabins, and some of them put on their swimsuits and went down to the waterfront to do their first Polar Dip of the week! Campers who do the Polar Dip every day will get a prize at the end of the week! Then it was time for breakfast. After breakfast, campers finished tidying their cabins and then went to Morning Chapel with their cabin. After hearing from the morning speaker, they split up into their cabin groups to talk about chapel with their counselor.
Then it was time for lunch! Campers enjoyed a delicious meal of chicken tenders, potato wedges, salad, and fruit for dessert! After lunch, campers had Mail Call, where they watch a fun skit with our summer-long characters, and get letters and packages from home! After Mail Call, campers took their items back to their cabins. Then it was time for Toes-Up Time, which is almost an hour of rest time in the cabin, helping campers get ready for a BUSY afternoon of Free Time fun!

But before Free Time could start, it was time to play a big game up on the North 40 Field! The game, called Shipwreck, involves piles of colorful foam pieces (treasure) at different stations around the field. Campers leave their “port,” connected by a circle rope. They act as ships and go around collecting the treasure and returning it to their ports. Other cabins (“ships”) can take your treasure! The cabin with the most treasure at the end wins!

So much happened at Free Time today! Campers played on the Hub, got treats at the Canteen, went zipping down the Screamin’ Eagle Zipline, played Laser Tag, AND went swimming, boating, and fishing on Cedar Lake! It was a busy, busy day – and the week is just getting started!

Tonight, in Chapel, Jackson is telling us about Our Need for God. Last night, he talked about how God is our Mighty Savior (Praise Jesus!) and asked campers to think about people in their lives that they trust. Campers shared some of the people that they trust and why. Jackson summarized and said that we trust people that we know care about us. Then tonight we learned about Who God Is, Who Jesus Is, and Who We Are.
Read Genesis 1 with your camper. Talk about how God is the Awesome Creator – what does that mean? Jackson talked about how God is eternal, powerful, and loves us!
Read John 3:16 (we memorized this verse with actions this week – see if your camper can teach you the actions). Who is Jesus? What can your camper tell you about who Jesus is?
Read Genesis 1:27, Romans 3:23, and Romans 6:23. Who are we? We are created in God’s image. We are fallen through our sin. And we are in need of a Mighty Savior!
The Good News is found in John 3:16 – the Gospel! Talk to your camper about why that verse is Good News!
Campers are heading out to their cabins now to brush their teeth, put on their pajamas, and do cabin devotions with their counselor before it is time to sleep! Then we’ll wake up and do it all over again with another day of The Funnest Fun tomorrow! Until then, enjoy more of the pictures from today at the link below!
Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below! Perfect to download, share, and print!