Welcome back to the blog!!
What an exciting day campers have had. After cabin adventures yesterday, everyone had a time to rest from busy activities. Campers could bring pillows to the main hall as they enjoyed some toes up time.
Recharged after a rest, campers had free time to enjoy the beauty of camp and all the fun activities. Cabins can sign up for a spot to ride the zipline or play lazer tag. The canteen is also open during the afternoon and campers were able to visit the store.
After dinner, campers headed back to their cabins and got dressed in the appropriate color for their team (light or dark shirts) and gathered back at the amphitheater. The game of the night was Capture the Flag!!!
Teams tried to find the bandana hidden across camp without being caught. They also had to dodge young staffers who may swipe unsuspecting campers with pool noodles if they loitered along the dividing line. There were lots of smiles and laughs about the funny costumes as campers cheered their teams to the finish.
In evening chapel, Zach asked for a volunteer and illustrated a principle with a donut. Ask your camper what it was about!
(Hint: it pointed to how God’s timing is different than our timing. His timing is best because he knows everything and is working to accomplish his will.)
This morning, campers headed down to the lake and fearlessly jumped in! Temperature reports varied, some reviews said it was still cold, others reported it has most definitely gotten warmer than yesterday. No matter the temp, campers headed to the Steps of Faith awake and ready for Flag Raising.
Israel cabin raised the flag this morning as campers stood at attention and recited The Pledge of Allegiance. We get the opportunity to honor the flag and the men and women who have sacrificed their lives for the freedom that we are able to enjoy. We practiced our memory verse again before breakfast, John 11:25-26.
At morning Chapel, we had the opportunity to hear from William Ruck who is a missionary in Japan with his family. He is working to tell others about Jesus there and following the command Jesus gives in Matthew 28:19-20. He encouraged campers to pray. We can pray for those who do not know God and that God would send people to tell them the good news!
Most people in Japan are Shinto or Budhist. Japan did not allow freedom of religion until the 18th century and many people have not heard the name of Jesus. Less that 1% of the population are Christians
William - Missionary in Japan

Talk with your camper about who they can be praying for. Is it a country? Does your family know missionaries working oversees? How about your neighbor?
Spend time praying together and ask God to show ways you can partner with Him in the gospel.
Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below! Perfect to download, share, and print!