As I pause in the midst of a crazy schedule, feelings of frustration and inadequacy are close at hand as I attempt to be in multiple places at once, working behind the scenes to make sure all of the tasks are checked off and everyone’s needs are met. Maybe you can relate. Pausing by the lake and taking a moment to be, my soul slowly begins to breath again. My eyes widen in wonder as a camper holds up a large sunfish on the end of their line. The steady ripple of the water is mesmerizing and calming all at once. Experiencing camp from a child’s perspective offers a special joy and sweet refreshment. What a wonderful thing to experience first-hand God’s great creation.
Shouts of joy come from the water mat as campers and their counselor tumble and dive. Soft raindrops lightly fall, drawing attention to the patchwork blanket of clouds stretched overhead offering shelter from the sun. In the midst of all the business that is everyday life, what a gift that God gives us rest. How beautiful that he made creation and wants us to enjoy it!!
How can you and your camper experience creation? How can you enjoy rest and find time to be in creation together?
Yesterday afternoon, everyone headed up the hill and across the landbridge to the North 40 to play a team game with their cabin. Because it was so warm, of course there was going to be water involved. The favorite station involved trying to soak other counselors while protecting your counselor from getting wet. Everyone returned to free time with additional cabin points and feeling thoroughly refreshed.
After dinner, campers found they would get to visit the Carnival that evening!! To say they were excited is an understatement! There was a slip ‘n’ slide, games like ring toss and fishing for tickets. Campers were able to have their face painted and get popcorn during the evening. After winning enough tickets, campers had an opportunity to soak a staff member in the dunk tank!!
Ask you camper about the Carnival! What games did they play? Did they have a favorite? Was there one that was especially difficult?
Last night, Zach continued looking at the story of Lazarus. We saw how Jesus was a true friend and walked through life just like us. He experienced emotions and had real friendships. Just as he was a true friend to Lazarus, Mary and Martha, he wants to be friends with us and died in our place so we can be friends with him forever. Zach shared that we can be friends with Jesus forever if we put our trust in him and accept his forgiveness of our sins.
Does your camper want to be friends with Jesus? His friendship is more true than anyone else. Talk about what it means to be friends with Jesus how we can follow him each day.
Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below! Perfect to download, share, and print!