Super Kids 3, Day 1

It is the first day of Super Kids 3 and we are so excited to have these camper here!  The first 24 hours have been packed with activities and filled with lots of laughs and new friendships.

Campers moved in yesterday and met their counselor and the rest of their cabin.  They took a quick tour around camp, learning where locations are and some of the features that are helpful to know about for free time like the Buddy Board and Canteen!  Cabins shared a picnic dinner outside before evening chapel.  At chapel, we met our speaker for the week, Zach Klein.  There was a bit of free time where campers could visit the canteen or go fishing before meeting in the Main Hall for the staff variety show!  With classic skits like Cool and Creamy, smiles were easy to find!

We took a never before seen silly photo from the stage (showcased here)!

With a full evening behind them, it was time for cabin devos and the lights out bell.

This morning, campers began their day with an optional Polar Plunge.  While optional, most of camp said yes as the line wrapped down the path and up the hill to the Bell Tower.  The lake report this morning was “very cold”.  Now wide awake, campers changed and gathered at the Steps of Faith for the Morning Movement and to Raise the Flag.

Shane gave a short message at chapel this morning before cabins broke out to have their own devo time.  Campers enjoyed Skillz time where they could play wiffle ball, fish, create art with chalk or take their swim test.  Next up is cabin adventure time!  


Ask your camper about cabin adventures!  What did they do with their cabin?  What was their favorite adventure during the week?

Come back tomorrow to hear what game campers are playing later today!  And don’t forget to check out the photo album through the link below!  More photos will be added throughout the day!


Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below!  Perfect to download, share, and print!

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