Lessons from The Potting Shed – Spring Quilt 2023


This March, Spring Quilters visited “The Potting Shed” and found encouraging lessons surrounding the beautiful world of plants and growing things.   

The Lord Planted a Garden

The good and kind intentions of God towards his people is so very evident in his creation of the Garden of Eden … what a paradise!  No pests, no weeds, no drought, no sour grapes.  Mankind’s sin introduced the first mention of fear and hiding into our experience.  However, in his unmeasurable mercy, the Lord pursued relationship with his people, preparing a covering of skin to replace their flimsy fig foliage, and pointing to the Savior who would come to redeem and restore the world.  There’s no reason to hide or be afraid!

What You Sow Is What You Grow by "Billy Bean Seed"

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, and self-control.  This fruit is a natural by-product that grows out of the Holy Spirit being active and vibrant in our hearts and lives.

We're Rooting For You!

One of the most important parts of a plant is the part you can’t see!  Your plant’s health starts underground at the roots.  Colossians 2:6-8 provides some really helpful insights into growing healthy spiritual roots.

“Therefore, as you RECEIVED Christ Jesus the Lord, so WALK in him, ROOTED and BUILT UP in him and ESTABLISHED in the faith, just as you were TAUGHT, ABOUNDING in THANKFULNESS. See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.” (Colossians 2:6-8)

Don't Grow Weary!

What would happen if you planted a seed in your garden, then dug it up each morning to see if anything would happen?!  You would sabotage your efforts and the harvest you are hoping for!  Take a lesson from the seeds this spring!  Keep tending to the useful works and activities that God has called you to…you might have to get creative!  Wait for the harvest.  While you wait, weed and water!  Stay steadfast, rooted, established, thankful…with expectation for the reaping that will come with the waiting, IF you faint not.

“And let us not be WEARY in WELL DOING; for in DUE SEASON we shall REAP, IF we FAINT NOT.” (Galatians 6:9)

Read these next.

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