2024 Senior High – Day 3

We are already on Day 3 of Senior High! These campers have so much energy and are always ready to jump in and have a great time! Yesterday, we started off with a warm Polar Dip and then got ready for Flag Raising.

Following Flag Lowering we learned a new Morning Movement and the rest of our Memory Verse: John 10:10-11. For breakfast, we enjoyed sausage and egg sandwiches, then cleaned our cabins. After Cabin Clean-up, we gathered at the Steps of Faith for a Camp Photo! Next we spilt for Men’s and Women’s Chapel. Following Chapel, everyone came back to the Ampitheatre for for a Cabin Photo Challenge!

For the Photo Challenge, cabins were given 45 minutes and any resources they can find to create the best photo. The best photo will be chosen by Camp’s social media followers, check it out NOW to participate! At Lunch Line-up, we watched some counselors play a game of Musical Buckets. In the Afternoon, we attended Clinics and Seminars; options yesterday included Biblical Womanhood, Boundaries, Life after High school, and Soccer! Afterwards we enjoyed Afternoon Free time. It was a nice warm day 4-Square and Volleyball in the Hub, and after campers could go down to the Waterfront to cool off! The Craft of the Day was tie-dye and our Four o’clock Options were Octoball and making bracelets in the Craft Room.

Before Dinner, campers and staff got ready for Mario Night! Everyone was invited to dress as their favorite Mario or Nintendo Character. We even saw some golden coins! After eating, it was finally time for the VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT! Cabins got dressed and put on face paint, then everyone gathered at the Steps of Faith for rules before heading up to the North 40. Our winner for the boys was Detroit Cabin (aka the UK) and girls winner was Russia Cabin! We had so much fun and cannot wait to see these cabins battle in the Championship Match back at the Sand Volleyball Courts.


 Ask your camper about the Cabin Challenges! Which challenge was their favorite? Did their cabin win any of the challenges? Have them show you their cabin skit!

Once everyone made it back to Main site, we had Evening Free time and Canteen until Chapel. We worshipped the Lord together and listened to a beautiful message from our speaker. With our hearts full and spirits high, we went back to our cabins and got ready for bed.


Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below!  Perfect to download, share, and print!

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