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2024 Men’s Advance! – An Impactful Gathering

Men’s Advance! was an incredible retreat this year!   It was a real joy to listen to 150 men singing loud and praising the Lord! The weekend’s topic of Sexual Integrity hit hard, and it was very impactful to gather over such an important message. We are very thankful to our speaker, Paul Klassen, for his tact and humility as he spoke God’s Grace, Holiness, and Victory over us. We are also so thankful for the wonderful partnership with Teen Challenge and how they enriched our lives with their testimonies and stories of victory in Jesus!

It was so great to see all of the guests playing pickleball, touring the new gym site, and riding the Screamin’ Eagle Zipline. And it was so funny to watch how hard everyone went out for Laser Tag too! We cannot wait to fully utilize the gym next year – so many exciting things are on the way!

We are always impressed by the pace of the weekend and how much we can fit into a short day and half. But, hey, there is a time to advance and a time to retreat. We hope to see you again in the fall for a more laid-back Men’s Retreat (Sept 20-22)!

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