Meet A Staff Member: Hayley Peterson

Hayley.jpgGrowing up nearby in Upsala, Camp has always been like a second home for Hayley. She was a camper from age 5 to Senior High, worked in the Trading Post during high school job, and was a part of the Summer staff team during the summer of 2013.  After graduating from NDSU with a major in Business Management, she interned for Cru and gained a passion for ministry. It is that passion that led her back to Camp Lebanon. Her role consists of accounting, managing on-site sales, assisting in the office, and providing support in women’s ministry. Her favorite part of her job is working in the Trading Post and she also loves being in the business field with the purpose of bringing others to Christ. She also loves coffee, traveling, experiencing different cultures, conversations, mentoring, lakes, and sunshine. Email Hayley at

Hayley took the time to answer sixteen get-to-know-you questions:

  1. What’s your favorite color?


  1. If you could take a trip anywhere, where would you go?

Prince Edward Island

  1. What is your favorite food? Least favorite?

Tacos = favorite food. Broccoli = least favorite

  1. What do you do for fun when you’re not a camp?

Outdoor adventures (hiking, walking, swimming, anything outside or on a lake), coffee dates with friends, travel, shop, and playing with my nephews.

  1. If you ruled the world, what would you change on Day 1?

I would want everyone to hear the name of Jesus and have a chance to follow Him.

  1. What was the last really great book you read?

Currently reading “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus”. So good.

  1. Do you volunteer anywhere?

I just moved to Upsala so not currently, but I did volunteer in college for the children’s hospital and for the Great Plains food bank in Fargo.

  1. Who was the most influential person in your life?

My parents. Their testimony and teaching has influenced and shaped me into who I am today.

  1. What is one piece of advice you would give others about life?

Never say never. When you follow the Lord He takes you places you will never expect. Just keep your eyes focused on Him through life and trust with a sound faith.

  1. What is the best part of working at Camp?

Growing up as a camper and summer staff, my life was greatly impacted and I have so many others in my life that have met the Lord at Camp. I love that I now get to be a part of that process for others that will come to Camp.

  1. In your own words, what is your job description?

I am the on-site sales manager which means trading post, canteen, craft room, and pop machines, I also do some accounting and help as an office associate. It will include some women’s ministry as well. So overall a very diverse job, but very fun.

  1. Describe an embarrassing moment.

I have so many embarrassing moments. I was walking down some stairs when I was traveling on my study abroad last summer and ended up missing a stair and fell down but took out a few people on the way.

  1. What is a Bible verse that has meant a lot to you?

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.

  1. If you could add one thing (building/event/feature/anything/etc…) to camp and cost wasn’t a factor, what would it be?

A hammock cabin. An outdoor cabin with hammocks for people to sleep in under the stars with a cute coffee shop attached.

  1. What is one of your favorite jokes?

How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it.

  1. What is one special moment you have experienced at camp?

Sitting by the lake and leading a little girl to Christ and seeing the Lord’s hand of freedom in her life.

Read these next.

0 thoughts on “Meet A Staff Member: Hayley Peterson”

  1. You sound amazing! Thank you for having a passion for others to come to Christ…and thank you for using your gifts to serve the Savior at our Camp Lebanon…a Meeting Place with God! Hope you serve HIM for many years at camp!

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