It’s time for Adventurers!

Our youngest group of campers is here! Around 200 kids going into grades 1-4 arrived at Camp yesterday, ready for a few days of the funnest fun!

Our youngest group of campers is here! Around 200 kids going into grades 1-4 arrived at Camp yesterday, ready for a few days of the funnest fun!

After we checked in, we met our counselors and cabin friends, took our swim tests (until the beach closed for thunder – don’t worry, we’ll have another chance to take our tests today), and went on our first of many cabin adventures.

Later on, we met the rest of the counselors and played Simon Says before our picnic dinner of pizza. We also learned the nine rules for having the funnest fun and went on a tour of Camp before chapel!

Our speaker for the week is Bobber Bill. Last night, he told us a little about himself and outlined what he’ll talk about this week: capital-T Truth.

Then, after chapel, we had canteen and the staff variety show! (Ask your camper about their favorite skit when they get home!) We closed out our first night with in-cabin devos with our cabin friends. What a good night!

Please pray for a safe and fun day today! We have a lot planned out and we don’t want to miss a thing!

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