Sunshine, Swimming, and Snails

A blog post for the first full day of Junior High 3 at Camp Lebanon

We had a wonderful first full day of Junior High 3. Our day was saturated with beautiful weather, laughter, and new ways to get to know each other. The day began with the Polar Dip; campers and counselors jumped in the brisk lake to wake themselves up. Then, after a delicious breakfast of pancakes, the campers had some time to spend alone with God to read the Bible, pray, and memorize verses.

Next, we had our first Clinics and Seminars for the week. These are brief classes about specific aspects of Christianity or life in general, and they’re always a great time for big questions and deep discussions. After Clinics and Seminars, the girls and guys split up for morning chapel. Today, the girls talked about Shalom and the guys talked about Purity. This morning was full of learning!

After lunch and a fun mail-call skit, it was Free Time! Today, Free Time featured a lot of swimming and boating, as well as crafts, a game of dodgeball, and paintball! Everyone enjoyed the warm and sunny weather today, especially the swimmers.


Free Time ended with lowering and folding our flag together, then dinner. After dinner we returned to the chapel to hear from our speaker Kirsten King. Tonight, Kirsten shared a couple of funny stories to illustrate man’s relationship with sin, and she talked about how the Bible is like our equipment that we wear when we join God’s team. Kirsten is a blast to listen to, and we are all pumped to hear more from her tomorrow!


Our evening is ending with an insane game of Capture-the-Flag 2.0. In this version of the game, there are “snails” to help win the game (staff members that have to move really slowly across the hub to win, but they can only move with a camper on their backs). We are having a great week so far!

Here’s a link to the Facebook album with more pictures from the week: Junior High 3

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