Thanks for a Super Week!

It's hard to believe that Super Kids has come to an end so quickly!

It’s hard to believe that Super Kids has come to an end so quickly! We had such an awesome week with these kids and beautiful weather too!

Last night at our campfire, we sang some worship songs, played a final round of “Gorilla Gets the Man,” heard from Bobber Bill and Adam Roub, went on a Lion Hunt, and did our traditional “Praise God” yell that echos across the lake.

This morning, campers woke up to clean their cabins before going to breakfast. After breakfast, campers went into the main chapel for their last round of Mad Libs while parents began showing up.

Then, campers were given their mail, and we worshiped! Afterwards, campers and parents got to watch the photo slideshow and video of the week’s activities. Then, we handed out prizes and some staff members got pied!

To close, we thanked God for our really great week!


Then, campers were dismissed to their cabins to get checked out and head home.

Thanks to everyone who came this week; we had so much fun getting to know these campers. We pray for everyone’s safe return home, and we hope to see you back next year!

A message from our speaker: Adam Roub – Area Team Leader, Mid MN Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ)

“This week at camp we spoke about living life at the Lord’s Table, and giving the throne of your life to the worthy king Jesus. Each night we focused on 1 attribute of God, and told a story about a specific bible character who demonstrated great faith (David, Esther, Peter, and Paul) and the camp staff acted out a scene for the kids. During the week our main points were: Jesus is the good king, who is worthy to be served. Jesus is our protector king, who is worthy of our trust. Jesus is our Savior king, our only worthy substitute (the Gospel Message was shared on this point; Rms 10:9). Lastly, Jesus is our commissioning king, who sends us, and is worthy to be obeyed (call to rededicate your life).

“During the week we invited the campers to invite King Jesus to take control of the thrones of their life, and to entrust their lives to Christ. Many campers either prayed to receive Christ as their savior for the first time or to rededicate their lives to following Jesus, and renew the commitment they may have made earlier in their lives. The common phrase was, “Who is on the throne of your life?” You can ask your camper about this. Also, they will remember the phrase, “God is King, I am not, Long Live the King! Thank you for helping build connections with your camper, and helping us continue their discipleship.”

Take Camp Home: Ask your camper what the stories of David, Esther, Peter, and Paul taught them about sitting at the Lord’s table.

To continue following the story, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.

For full-sized versions of this weeks photos, go to our Google Drive Album!

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