Team Time Thursday

We had a chilly day today with some thick clouds and a strong breeze, but that didn't stop people from daring to get into the water!

We had a chilly day today with some thick clouds and a strong breeze, but that didn’t stop people from daring to get into the water!

In last night’s chapel we talked about Loving God and what that looks like. Kirsten King talked about how we love God by spending time with Him in prayer or in His word, by following His commandments, and by loving one another. She shared some tips about staying in the Word and how that helps us learn to love God.

Take Camp Home: Ask your camper what TABLE stands for and why we were talking about tables this week.

This morning was sleep in day! We got a much needed extra hour of sleep before starting the day, and cabins were served breakfast in bed today! After breakfast, we had polar dip, TAG Time, and then morning chapel. In women’s chapel, we had a panel with a representative of a male and female who are single, in a dating relationship, and a married couple to answer any questions the girls had. In men’s chapel, they talked about what it means to make a decision for Christ, what it looks like to live that out, and the cost of discipleship.

We then had clinics and seminars, and campers were able to choose from the options they had on Tuesday, or they could also attend a Q ‘n’ A session with Kirsten King!

Following clinics and seminars, we had lunch, and then the mail call video, and afterwards, it was free time! At the beginning of free time, campers had the option to participate in a triathlon. They ran around part of camp, swam from the swimming dock to the fishing doc and back, and boated from the swimming doc, down, and back to the swimming area.

After free time, we had flag lowering, and then we had dinner. Tonight was our formal night, but with a 1920s theme!

Take Camp Home: Ask your camper what their favorite theme dinner was!

Then, it was time for the teams to present their projects they have been working on during team time this week.

Take Camp Home: Ask your camper what their team did for their project!

Now campers are going to chapel, and then they will have some free time before the campfire. In tomorrow’s blog I will share about tonight’s chapel and a little about the campfire activities. It’s strange to think that it’s already our last night of senior high, but we had such a great week!

To continue following the story, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  We love to keep you updated on what your campers are up to!

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