See You Soon, Adventurers!

Today, we said goodbye to our last youth campers - over 50 wonderful Adventurers who hung out with our summer staff for a few days at Camp.  We love spending time with this littles ones, and our Closing Rally time was a way to celebrate the fun we have had this week!

Today, we said goodbye to our last youth campers – over 50 wonderful Adventurers who hung out with our summer staff for a few days at Camp.  We love spending time with this littles ones, and our Closing Rally time was a way to celebrate the fun we have had this week!

During the Closing Rally, we sing our favorite songs from the week, hand out prizes, say our memory verses, and hear a message from our speaker for the last time!

Sir William of Bobber had a final word for the campers this morning.  He recapped the week, and reminded campers to be expectant and excited for our heavenly home while serving the King as a Knight while we are here on our earthly home.  And true knights look like JESUS!

TAKE CAMP HOME:  A Message from Sir William of Bobber –

“God is King…and I am NOT!  Long live the King!!” That powerful statement became our rallying cry all week as we studied about the King. On Sunday, we met the King:  All Powerful, All Knowing, All Present, All Loving, and All Holy. Monday morning, we focused on the King’s Word, which contains both his edicts to follow and His love story to embrace. Monday evening featured ‘The Wall Story,’ an original allegory grounded on Romans 6:23 and John 3:16, both of which declare God’s rescue plan through His son. Tuesday morning was all about the King’s Knights and what they look like. For one, they look (and act) like Jesus (Colossians 3:12), and secondly, they obey the King (Two Great Commandments, Mark 12:30-31).  Tuesday evening saw us explore the King’s Castle (Heaven!) in John 14 and Revelation 21.  No more tears. No more death. No more pain. No more sin. Best of all – God is there and Jesus is preparing a place for us! Woo hoo! As Camp ended, we encouraged the kids to say both ‘YES!’ to the King and ‘NO!’ to wearing the crown that belongs only to him. Thanks for encouraging these kids in their journey of faith!” 

We ended off the rally with a viewing of our slideshow and video of the week!  It was a great way to see the highlights of this week of Camp.  Campers will receive their All Camp photo in the mail, along with a flashdrive containing the highlight video.  High quality photos can be downloaded HERE.

Thank you, God, for a really great ADVENTURERS 2!!  And for a great summer!  We are so blessed to have spent time with these campers this week.  Praise the Lord for the work He has done this summer – and we look forward to seeing you next year!

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Adventurers 2 – Photo Album

For full-sized version of this week’s photos, go to our Google Drive Album!


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