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Camp Lebanon News – April 2019

A quick April update, including news about the spring events, job openings, and new prayer & praise items!

Quilt ‘ReTWEETs’ Welcome in Spring!

The winter that would never end (14 inch snow April 10-12!) was no match against the non-stop parade of quilters and scrapbookers that filled four March weekends (435 women). Perhaps it was the heat generated from all those sewing machines or the warm fellowship of women sharing with friends new and old. Or maybe it was the super fun theme, “Spring ReTWEET,” with bible-based lessons on birds and their songs. Whatever the reason, the snow is gone and the ice of Cedar Lake is vanquished! Even better, the phone is ringing off the hook with questions about summer youth and family camps, which are filling faster than ever. Hooray! We’ve survived another winter!

So, bring on the Spring! For Camp, that means Men’s Advance! (record 129!), Dads N Lads, Mother-Daughter, Young at Heart Seniors, Spring Senior Day, and a third round of Young Adult Retreat: Spring! And not far behind is Memorial Day Family Weekend and the “o-fishal” kickoff to summer. We love all the seasons, but there is something extra sweet about the optimism of Spring. The excitement for sharing Jesus and loving on youth, families, and adults runs fresh in this season that celebrates and illustrates the resurrection.

Camp’s New Logo Tells

The new logo unveiled at the Annual Meeting on March 23 is more than an attractive design. Captured in the art is the heart of the ministry. Can you see the Bible? The centrality of the cross? The focus on relationships (hint: trees)? The welcome of Cedar Lake? The light of the Gospel? The year of Camp’s founding? One camp friend saw the straight and narrow roadway to heaven. What else do you see?

Praise & Pray!

  • PRAISE! Winter Ministries: Strong teen & women’s events, attendance up 450!
  • PRAISE! Volunteer Blessing: Demo Crew of 16 removes Chalet deck, saves $6000!
  • PRAISE! Record spring events: Men’s Advance, Mother-Daughter, Seniors!
  • PRAISE! Summer registrations booming: Youth 34% ahead, family up 23%. Wow!
  • PRAISE! Monthly Donors: 5 new families added to our monthly team! What a boost!
  • PRAY! Staff Openings: Women’s Retreat Coordinator, Facilities Manager.
  • PRAY! Spring Ministries: Spiritually effective; full weekends; safety.
  • PRAY! Summer Staff Search: WANTED! male counselors, lifeguards.

Staff Openings!

Facilities Manager

The sudden departure of Chris and Debbie Mock to embrace a wonderful opportunity in hometown Pella, Iowa has created an immediate opening for Facilities Manager. Camp seeks a capable, experienced leader with a heart to serve and the skillset to oversee facilities, site, staff, and equipment. Competitive salary with generous benefits (PTO, holidays, healthcare, retirement.)

Women’s Retreat Coordinator

Camp’s booming year-round women’s ministries calls for an additional team member to lead Women’s Retreats (fall & winter) and Mother/Daughter. Full-time, part-time scenarios. Immediate opening.

For more details, email Bill Abeler at

Read more in the full Camp Lebanon News (April 2019) by Bobber Bill!

Other exciting news from Camp:

  • Summer Youth Camps are already almost full! Register soon before your preferred camp week fills completely!
  • Registration for Dads N Daughters is open!
  • Recipes from Spring Quilt are on the blog! Check out some of Chef Jim’s favorites!
  • Registration for Young Adult Retreat: Spring is still open! Check out the website for a look at some of the fun the YAR planning team has in store for young adults 18-35 years old!
  • We’ve updated the Mobile App! Check out the list of changes we made, and make sure to download the app today!


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