Super Kids 1 – Awesome Creation!

Last night in chapel, our speaker Wendy taught the campers lessons out of Genesis 1.  We learned that God is ETERNAL (Gen. 1:1), that God created out of NOTHING (Gen. 1:3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26), God created in  7 DAYS, that His highest creation is HUMANITY (Gen. 1: 26-27), and that “God saw all that He had made and, behold, it was VERY GOOD!” (Gen. 1:31).  God is the AWESOME CREATOR and campers learned that because of this, life is PRECIOUS, life has PURPOSE, and we are SPECIAL.


This morning, after breakfast, campers had Morning Chapel with Bobber Bill.  They got to see Genesis 1 & 2 in a new and exciting way.  Then they learned about how to use their Bible.  Bobber Bill taught them how to find books, chapters, and verses.


TAKE CAMP HOME:  Find out what your child knows about the Bible.  Pick a few verses (maybe a memory verse from the week at Camp) and challenge them to find them in their Bibles, so that you can read them together.  Then, have your child teach you one of the memory verses from the week at camp (actions and all)!

After Morning Chapel, it was time for Free Time and Cabin Adventures!  Campers spent even more time hanging out with their counselors and cabin groups, playing some Wiffleball, coloring with chalk, or playing foursquare & 9-square!

Lunch was delicious tacos in a boat, with fruit for dessert.  After lunch, campers got another visit from the summer-long characters, with a little skit at the Steps of Faith.

TAKE CAMP HOME:  Ask your child to tell you about the characters in the skits this week.  What were the characters’ names, and what were they trying to do?

Every afternoon, after lunch, campers get to head back to their cabins with their counselor for a little bit of downtime.  They also get the mail delivered to their cabins at this time, so they can open their letters and packages from home!  After this rest time, we had games up on the North 40 Field!  The staff led a series of fun relays between cabins, which made for lots of laughter and a great opportunity to teach teamwork as a cabin!

Then, it was finally time for Free Time!  Today, the waterfront and zipline were open as usual, along with the craft room.  In the craft room today, campers could work on their Tie-Dye T-shirts!  Campers got to learn how to tie their shirts up, and (after putting on some gloves), use dye to create a beautiful, colorful creation that will be ready to take home on the last day of Camp.

Tonight’s dinner was burgers, fries, veggies, and chocolate malts!  Everyone had a delicious meal, followed by an exciting Camp game called “Clue.”  The game works a lot like the classic board game, with cabins working together to find out the answer to a mystery.  Different staff members dressed up as characters and scattered all over Camp, each knowing only part of the answer to the mystery.  The first cabin to solve the mystery won the game!

TAKE CAMP HOME:  What happened in the game of Clue?  Did your child’s cabin figure out the mystery?

After the game, we all went into Chapel to learn more from our speaker Wendy.  Tonight she will be sharing the gospel with the campers! We’ve had another great day of summer camp, and we are really looking forward to tomorrow – more playing, more laughing, and more learning!

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Super Kids 1 – Photo Album


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0 thoughts on “Super Kids 1 – Awesome Creation!”

  1. It looks like a whole lot of fun! I’m excited to hear from my Jocelyn, in Japan, all the fun things she did. But more importantly how she met God in a new and powerful way! Praying she has many life changing moments with Him along with everyone there! 🤗

  2. It looks like a fun and amazing time! I’m praying my Jocelyn in Japan meets God in a new and powerful way! Praying that everyone there leaves with a new revelation of the great love God has for them!🤗

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