Super Kids 1 – Creation Walks, Capture the Flag & Carnival!

Hello from the first full day of Super Kids 1!  We’ve got a great group of campers here this week – and they definitely know how to have a good time.  It’s a beautiful day today – sunny, breezy, and putting God’s beautiful Creation on display!

This morning, we had some delicious pancakes, fruit, and sausage for breakfast (not to mention the always delicious, always heart-healthy, Camp Lebanon oatmeal!).  Then campers headed to their cabins for a little clean-up before the all-camp picture.  We got the whole Camp together on the Steps of Faith for a big group shot, which every camper will get a copy of at the end of the week!  Here’s the “goofy one” that we took!


Morning Chapel was next.  Matt, our Worship Leader, taught the campers a game called Gorilla Gets the Man.  We sang a few more worship songs, and then campers got to learn more about the days of Creation.  They went out with their cabin groups and their counselors to find as many of the things as they could from the first two days of the Creation story!

TAKE CAMP HOME: Read through the Creation story in Genesis 1 & 2 with your child.  Ask your child to tell you about some of the things they saw at Camp in Creation – do they have any fun stories to tell?  Take some time in the outdoors together at home and see what you can see!

Campers also had a little morning Free Time, with some great play options including archery, BB guns, Octoball, 9-square, and other Camp fun.  Then it was time to split into cabin groups again for the Cabin Adventure time!  Counselors planned lots of fun activities for their cabins today.  One cabin did dress-up, two cabins challenged each other to a kickball game on the Wiffleball field, and another cabin did team building activities!  Campers received their mail right after Cabin Adventures and went to their cabins for a little rest (Toes-Up!).


After Toes-Up Time, campers played a game of Capture the Flag all over Camp!  The summer staff made the game extra interesting by adding Berserkers, staff in crazy costumes who run around tagging campers and spraying them with water.  Campers played two rounds of the game, and then headed right into Free Time – the beach, Craft Room, and Canteen all opened and some campers headed up to ride the Screamin’ Eagle Zipline!

TAKE CAMP HOME:  Can your camper remember their first Free Time of summer camp?  Ask them about what they did that day!


After dinner tonight was the Carnival!  The Camp Staff set up a bunch of carnival games on the lower field, play some music, pop some popcorn, and let the campers win tickets!  Tickets can be used to dunk a staff member of their choice, or to get cotton candy.  Campers can also get crazy hair or face painting for free!  There were so many fun Carnival games this week, including an obstacle course, a carpetball shootout, and corn-hole.


It’s been a full day!  We can’t wait to learn more about God and His Awesome Creation tonight in chapel.  And tomorrow we start all over again with more of the same Funnest Fun!

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Super Kids 1 – Photo Album

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