Junior High 1 – Last Day of Camp!

An incredible week of Junior High 1 is coming to an end, and we are already missing all of these amazing students as they head home!  We did so much this week, and it always seems to fly by so quickly.  Hopefully these campers have some really fun memories to share with their friends and family, and some excitement to dive even deeper into their faith for the rest of the year!

Today, parents arrived at 10am for the Closing Rally, which kicked off with the Photo & Video shows in the Main Hall.  Then everyone met out on the Steps of Faith for the rest of the program, including prizes, Love Offering, and a final word from our speaker, Mark Allen.  And, let’s not forget, the much anticipated pie-ing of the summer staff!

Mark reminded campers of the main points from the week and encouraged them again to bring the reconciliation they have experienced with Christ into the world.  Here’s a note from Mark for the campers and parents:

“This week we focused on our AWESOME CREATORWe dug into Genesis 1-3 to see who God is and to learn about His purpose for us! We started by looking at how our Creator makes good things and that He made us, His crown jewel of creation, to be good. We then talked about how sin crept into the world and how it damages everything God created. Once we established the problem of sin, we discussed how God reconciled the entire world, including us, to Himself through Jesus’ death and resurrection. The story then went to how we become agents of His reconciliation in this world, that God is making His appeal through us. We ended our week looking at how God Himself is a community (Holy Trinity) and that the first thing God called “not good” was Adam all alone without community. I ended the week by encouraging students to look for a great church or youth group where they can be part of God’s plan of reconciliation in the world.

It was a great week getting to teach campers, there were so many great stories of change and movement. Camp Lebanon is a special place and it was a joy to be with these kids. I’ll be praying the changes take root and that God does more and more in this world through these amazing students!”

We also took a Love Offering for the two camps in Ukraine that Camp Lebanon supports!  Thank you to everyone who gave so generously, and who continues to pray for our sister camps overseas.

Then it was time for pies!  Campers who said verses to their counselors all week got to put their names in the bucket for a drawing on the last day.  They then got to choose a staff member to pie in the face!

Thank you, Junior Highers, for an incredible week!  Thank you, parents, for sending your kids to Camp with us this summer!  And thank you, God, for a really, REALLY great Junior High 1!


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