Adventurers – Day One

Adventurer campers have arrived - we can't wait for an incredible week with these 1st-4th graders!

Welcome welcome, Adventurer campers!  It’s one of our favorite weeks of the summer, seeing so many precious little ones arriving at Camp, many of them for their first summer camp experience.  We can’t wait to hang out with these 1st – 4th graders as we learn more about the Awesome Creator.

We started off with beautiful, sunny weather for Check-In Day.  Parents arrived with campers, checked them in at their cabin, and some headed down to the Waterfront for Swim Tests.  The playground, fishing docks, and Octoball court were already buzzing with activity already.

Then it was time for Flag Lowering, Staff Intros, and Dinner.  Campers met at the Steps of Faith to meet the Summer Staff and to learn about raising and lowering the flag each day.  Campers will have the chance to sign up with their cabin to help raise and lower the flag while they are here!

We had a delicious picnic dinner of sandwiches, veggies, chips, and brownies.  Campers went with their counselors to find a spot outside to sit as a cabin and get to know each other.  After dinner, it was time to run into the Main Hall chapel for a run down of the rules for the week.  Our Staff want to make sure everyone stays safe and has a great time, and these campers did a great job of listening before following their counselors back outside for a tour of Camp.  This is another opportunity for counselors to remind them of how things like the Canteen and Swimming Buddy Board work, and to help their campers remember where important landmarks are (including the Main Hall, the Steps of Faith, and their own cabin!).

Then it was Chapel time!  Campers got to spend their first Chapel with Bobber Bill!  He introduced himself to the campers and told them that we would be learning more about our Awesome Creator this week.  Their assignment was to find something that makes them say “Awesome!” and to look for God’s fingerprint at Camp.

TAKE CAMP HOME:  Talk to your camper about the Awesome Creator!  What does the word “awesome” mean?  Can they remember any of the awesome things that they found in God’s Creation, things that showed God’s fingerprint?  What are some things in your own backyard that show God’s amazing creation?

After Chapel, campers got to enjoy some treats from the Canteen, and later tonight it will be time for the Staff Variety Show!  The Staff have put together some really funny skits to share with the campers, and they can’t wait to make them all laugh before it’s time to go to bed.

TAKE CAMP HOME:  Ask your camper to tell you about their favorite skits from the Variety Show.  Can they perform one for you?

Tomorrow is a full day of summer camp fun – the “funnest fun,” in fact!  We can’t wait to get started!

To continue following the story this week, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  Don’t forget to download the Camp App for notifications and easy access to Summer Camp info!

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