It was 4th of July weekend, and one of the biggest Family Camp weekends we have ever had at Camp Lebanon! Camp welcomed guests to our 4th of July Family Weekend, and started it off with a sparkly blast – fireworks on the waterfront!

The rest of the weekend was all about rest, relaxation, and lots of fun with family. There was lots of time to spend enjoying the gorgeous weather on the beach, taking a hike through Camp’s trails, or even napping in the shade (or in a cabin!). There were also plenty of activities to participate in, from a soccer game up on the big field, Boat Races on the lake, a Home Run Derby at the Wiffleball Stadium, or a Carpetball Tournament. The zipline was open for riders, and the waterfront was consistently busy as well. And every session of Laser Tag was full, even on a rainy Friday afternoon!
Our speaker was Pastor Matt Clausen, who led parents in some adult chapel times while kids went to different Kids Clubs for their age groups.
Another big event from the weekend was Grandma Sandy Abeler’s swim across the lake! This was her 7th time swimming to raise money for the Camp Lebanon Scholarship Fund! Joined by many of her family members, swimming with her or following in boats, Sandy started on the opposite shore from Camp and swam the distance in about a half-hour! The rest of the families cheered her on from shore. Sandy is passionate about helping kids get to Camp to meet Jesus – you can join her by donating to the Scholarship Fund online!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for 4th of July Family Weekend! We love having Camp filled to brim with so many amazing families, and we hope to see you again next summer!
See more photos on our Facebook Page.