Senior High – Day Four

Our chapel session last night was all about making a choice.  Rocky talked about how throughout our lives, we are asked to make choices and decisions to continue to grow as a human being.  We need to want to grow, decide to make an effort, and then persist.  Rocky applied this to our faith walk as well.  He asked campers to think about the things that they commit to daily – school?  sports?  the future?  a job?  friends?  family?  church?  And where is God on that list?  Campers had the opportunity to consider where they stand with God, and to take some time to connect with their counselor after Rocky’s talk, if they wished to.  Lots of campers made a point to talk to their counselors, whether it was to ask more about following Jesus for the first time, or to pray about how they feel their faith walk is going so far.

TAKE CAMP HOME:  Read Philippians 1:21, Galatians 2:20, and 1 Corinthians 11:1 and talk through some of these questions that Rocky asked the campers.  What does “to live is Christ” mean?  We might know this verse by heart, but how can we put it into practice?  Ask your camper about the things in life that make them feel most alive, on fire, and excited.  Jesus came that we might have abundant life!  Does your camper feel that their life is abundant and full?  In what ways can they be more filled with passion and joy?  How are they being transformed?  And finally, discuss with your camper how they can live a life that others can follow to Jesus.

Today was the fourth day of Senior High week!  The morning looked pretty normal through Morning Chapel times (where guys and girls split up to hear more from male and female staff on specific topics).  After chapel, it was time for an extended Team Time to prepare for the final competition.  Campers are working together in their teams (2-3 cabin groups combined) to create a parody of different Youtube video genres.  Teams drew a random genre of Youtube video at the beginning of the week and have been spending Team Times brainstorming ideas, creating the plan for their video, and practicing.  Today they will do a lot of the filming, so that our staff can edit the videos together for them before the Competition Finale tomorrow night!

Then it was time for lunch, followed by the next installment in our Mail Call video series.  Campers have loved getting to see the “second season” of videos from the ongoing story that started last summer.

Then we went on to Free Time!  It was another gorgeous day at Camp.  As usual, we had lots of campers in boats and swimming on the Waterfront.  We also had lots of campers enjoying laser tag and zipline – including several campers who liked going upside down down the Screaming Eagle Zipline.

This evening’s themed meal was Alice and Wonderland!  The staff went all out with their costumes, and it was a really fun night to decorate.  The kitchen staff made a delicious pot roast dinner, fresh fruit (watermelons made into teapots!), and a red velvet cheesecake dessert!  YUM!

After dinner, campers went to Clinics & Seminars before the Coffeehouse!  Tonight we are opening up the Turtle Bay Coffee Company to serve iced and hot coffee drinks (for free!) while campers play games and relax in the Main Hall.  It’s an “open mic” feel, with special music from Katy Dahl!

After the Coffeehouse, campers will have a little evening Free Time and Canteen before heading up to the tent for Chapel!  We’ll tell you more about that in tomorrow’s blog.  And, to add to our excitement about tomorrow – tomorrow is SLEEP IN DAY!  Campers get an extra hour of sleep tomorrow morning, which is much needed after such a busy week.

To continue following the story of Camp this week, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  Don’t forget to download the Camp App for notifications and easy access to Summer Camp info!

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