Super Kids 4 – Day Two

We’ve had a great first full day of Super Kids 4!  Campers woke up early this morning, and some went down to the Waterfront to participate in the Polar Dip.  If they wanted to, campers could get into their swimsuits and take a quick dip in the chilly morning water.  If they do it every morning this week, they will get a prize on the last day!

Then it was time for Flag Raising and breakfast!  Campers get to sign up with their cabin to help raise and lower the flag each day, before the morning and evening meals.  After breakfast, campers went back to the cabin with their counselors to clean the cabin and get ready for the Camp Picture!  We took a big group photo on the Steps of Faith.  Here’s the goofy one we took at the end:


Then it was time for Morning Chapel.  Darla talked to campers about the Awesome Creation, speaking out of the Genesis 1.  We learned all about how God Created everything in 6 days, out of NOTHING!  He made us in His image, which makes us all special.  Because of our Awesome Creator, we can know that God is powerful and life has purpose!

TAKE CAMP HOME:  Read Genesis 1:1, 31.  Talk to your camper about what it might mean to be made in God’s image.  How does it feel to know that God looked at all of His Creation (including us!) and called it VERY good?  Take some time to talk about some of your favorite parts of God’s Awesome Creation – name some things that make you say “Wow!”

Morning Chapel was followed by some Free Time and Cabin Adventure!  For Free Time, campers could enjoy some of the fun things around Camp (except for swimming).  Lots of campers went fishing, several went down to play a game of Wiffleball, and others played 4-square or Octoball.

For Cabin Adventures, counselors plan a fun activity to do just as a cabin.  Some campers made posters with their cabin, two boy cabins teamed up to play Wiffleball, and much more!  Campers will have cabin adventures every day, so they’ll get to do lots of fun things with their cabin mates.

TAKE CAMP HOME:  What are some of the cabin adventures that your camper went on with their cabin?  Did they do any other fun activities just with their cabin group during their week at Camp?  What was their favorite cabin activity?

Then it was time for lunch!  We had yummy chicken strips, mac ‘n’ cheese, salad, and fruit for dessert.  After lunch, campers went to the Steps of Faith to watch a skit, with characters that we met yesterday during our intro.  These characters will be visiting us all week!

TAKE CAMP HOME:  Can your camper tell you more about the summer-long characters?  What were all of their names?  What were they trying to do, and what plan did they have?  Did they succeed?

After the skit, campers went back to their cabins to get their Monday mail and to have a little bit of Toes-Up Time before Free Time!  But to kick off our Free Time, we hiked up to the North 40 Field for some Field Games.  Most of them were relays, and even with a little bit of a drizzly rain, we had a great time running around in the grass!

Then, of course, it was time for the usual fun of Free Time – swimming, zipline, crafts, and laser tag!

After Free Time, it was time for dinner!  We had pasta, red sauce, meatballs, and salad, with cheesecake in a cup for dessert.  Then it was time for a fun game of Capture the Flag (with a twist), played all over main Camp!  After Capture the Flag, campers will have some Canteen Time/Free Time before evening Chapel, where we will hear another talk from our speaker, Darla!

We’ll update you on tonight’s chapel in tomorrow’s blog.  Until then, continue to follow the story throughout the week – follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  And download the Camp App for notifications and easy access to Summer Camp info!

Super Kids 4 – Facebook Photo Album

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