Fall Women’s Retreat – One Thing!

Read a quick recap of our Fall Women's Retreat, with a link to more photos!

Our Fall Women’s Retreats took place over two weekends, focusing on the theme of “One Thing.” Our speaker, Asheritah Ciuciu, taught each weekend and encouraged women to find the “one thing” that Jesus calls them to – finding joy in Him! Women learned practical tools and steps towards developing habits of getting into God’s Word.

Aside from our chapel sessions, Women’s Retreat is always host to several focused topic workshops, led by different teachers throughout the weekend. When not attending a workshop, women had the chance to explore a silent auction, take long walks, go boating out on Cedar Lake, or participate in one of the many craft opportunities. A definite highlight of both weekends was the Paint Pouring class! Using a specific process and ingredients, they combined paint colors into a cup and practiced releasing control as they poured the contents onto a rectangle canvas or a Minnesota-shaped canvas! The results were always stunning, and so unique!

There were other fun activities to participate in each weekend, including Laser Tag, Zipline, Geo-cacheing, and a restorative fitness class! Both weekends had beautiful weather to enjoy. And even when there was a bit of rain, that didn’t stop ladies from taking their ride down the zipline!

Those who came for the Early Bird day got to be a part of a Worship Night with Katy Dahl, who led us all in some quiet worship in the chapel and also shared some of her own music!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for Women’s Retreat! It was a blessing to see so many women connecting with each other and with their Creator throughout the two weekends. We hope to see you next year!

See more photos on our Facebook Page!

Women’s 1 Photos

Women’s 2 Photos


Our Women’s Winter Warm-Up is coming on January 31-February 2, 2020 (with an Early Bird day on January 30th). Registration for the retreat opens on October 18th!

2020 Women’s Winter Warm-Up Info

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