Summer ReFOCUS : Introducing Family Resort!

Thursday, May 22 was one of the saddest days in Camp Lebanon history as Camp officially announced the cancellation of all summer youth events. 10 camps. 6 D3 sessions. 3 LIT classes.
When first learning of the decision, our amazing Registrar cried for a whole day! She wasn’t alone. Minnesota guidelines do not yet allow for overnight youth camps to open. Thankfully, Camp’s staff is resilient and passionate both for the Gospel and for this wonderful place. The team rallied to secure County approval to open as a Summer Resort, complete with social distance and safety standards.
“You can’t minister to an empty bed,” explained Executive Director Bill Abeler. “We believe God has big plans for Camp this summer and we plan to share His love however we can.”
Registrations open May 29. As Minnesota opens up, additional ministries may open with it. Keep praying!
Facilities Team Renovates Dining Hall

It might be quiet at Camp, but the Facilities Team is busy refreshing the Dining Hall and redoing the Main Hall lighting. Guests are going to be blessed!
Staff Family News: It’s a Boy!

Parker and Kelsey Anderson welcomed Edward Luther into their home on April 30. Weighing in at all of 8 lbs 7 oz. and 20 inches, Little “Luther” joins sisters Ellie and Jude. Parker has served as the Office/Operations Manager since July 2017. Praise God!
Praise & Pray!
- PRAISE! Incredible COVID support with gifts many ranging from $10 – $3000!
- PRAISE! Big Blessings: Estate gifts of $50,000 & $13,666; Stock gift of $25,000!
- PRAISE! Strong interest in FAMILY RESORT opportunities.
- PRAISE! Special Gift: 8 x 12 utility trailer (in good used condition!).
- PRAY! Coronavirus: Wisdom, protection, grace to serve, God’s provision.
- PRAY! Summer & Fall Decisions: Family weekends, staffing, plans for fall retreats.
- PRAY! Safety of guests, staff and community: Camp plans to do its part.
- PRAY! New Gym, North 40 Lodge: Campaign paused. Wisdom on revised course.
Inbox Blessings
“Greetings Camp Lebanon Staff, Thanks for organizing the virtual Family Camp experience. We all enjoyed the time together as a family. We even put together our very own make-shift carpetball game on the driveway. Grandson and Grandpa had some good competitions. We pray that the
summer youth program will take place. Have a great day!”
Read more in the full Camp Lebanon News (MAY-JUNE 2020) by Bobber Bill!