Memorial Weekend Family Camp at Camp Lebanon is such a great kick-off to summer! Our staff could not be more excited to welcome a full-sized group of families back on site for the first time in a long time! We missed you!
Family campers enjoyed the first family chapels in the Big Tent, which provides an open air space for large group meetings. There is something special about chapel under the lights in the tent, and energy was high!
Our speaker for the weekend, Joe Boyd, spoke about Grace: An Unfair Advantage. Grace, which Joe defined as unmerited favor or as “God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense,” was demonstrated through so many stories in Scripture, including the life of David. Joe spoke about how God looks at our hearts, how He is always with us, and how important community is. Both adults and kids got to spend chapel times together!
We had such an amazing time with all of these families – it was the perfect start to our summer season! We can’t wait for the rest of our summer families camps (Summer Family Resort, Summer Fun Family Weekend, and Labor Day Weekend Family Camp)!
See you at Camp soon!

Top 5 Moments from Memorial Weekend
#1 Polar Plunge!

It wasn’t the first polar plunge of the year, but the first official polar plunge of the summer season! Cedar Lake definitely lived up to the “polar” definition this weekend, which made for some chilly family campers!
#2 Soccer on the North 40 Field!

The traditional family soccer game up on the North 40 field was so much fun, and we got some really epic shots. It’s so fun to see families team up and run around together!
#3 Carpetball Tournament

Competition at its finest – another tradition: the Carpetball Tournament! Families again get to team up in an intense tournament, until the champion family is found!
#4 Boat Races

Of course we had the Boat Races! Families get to compete (again!) in some friendly paddleboat, canoe, and kayak races, including a canoe/kayak race all the way across Cedar Lake. The first boat back, carrying a small branch with leaves from the other side of the lake, wins!
#5 Gorilla Gets the Man!

Finally, after the campfire trek out to Bass Point, we had our first summer round of Gorilla Gets the Man (which is just another version of Rock Paper Scissors)! Everyone has fun challenging each other, and seeing who comes out on top!
Check out the
Recap Video!
We can’t say it enough – Memorial Weekend was so much fun, because we got to spend it with so many great families. What a way to welcome in summer! Below is the recap video that was captured by our videographer for the summer! Enjoy!