Super Kids 1 – Day 1

Aaaannnnd they’re here!  Campers and their parents arrived today for our first Super Kids Camp of 2021!  They brought luggage, fishing poles, sleeping bags, and big smiles.  Camp Lebanon is SO excited to have youth campers back this year!

After they checked in to their cabins and met their counselor and cabin mates, campers had the chance to explore Camp, take their swimming test, or do a little fishing down on the docks.  Then it was time for Who’s Who at the Steps of Faith!

Then it was time for a delicious dinner (hot dogs, mac ‘n’ cheese, chips, and veggies – oh, and ice cream!), followed by rules in the tent!  Campers heard all about how to have The Funnest Fun this week with things like the fishing contest, waterfront, and games!  Then it was time to break out with their cabin groups for a tour of Camp, so they could get to know where everything is!  

After the Cabin Adventure time, campers headed back into the Big Tent to hear from our speaker for the week, Darla Benjamin!  Darla started out chapel asking a series of true/false questions, and campers could answer by lifting up a red or green piece of paper.  Darla explained that truth is “a fact or belief that is accurate or exact.”  


On the first night, Darla talked about 3 reasons we can believe the Bible:

1) We have tons of manuscripts and papers throughout history that prove it has been transmitted correctly!

2) We have physical evidence, like the Dead Sea Scrolls and other historical finds.

3) The Bible has internal consistency, many writers, and it is God-breathed!

Oh, there’s the bell ringing!  That means it’s time for the Staff Variety Show!  Our Summer Staff team has worked on some really hilarious skits to perform for campers tonight.  After the Variety Show, campers will head back to their cabins for a good night’s sleep before a busy, full day tomorrow.  Can’t wait!


Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below!  Perfect to download, share, and print!

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