On Tuesday, Camp welcomed staff from 15 area camps for Burger Flip 2021! The day started with campers pouring into the HUB for breakfast s’mores around the fire! YUMMM!

Chapel began with roll call from Camp Lebanon’s own Bobber Bill. In attendance were Cooperstown Bible Camp, Prairie River, Clearwater Forest, Inspiration Point, Camp JIM, Timber Bay, Trout Lake, Camp Victory, Covenant Pines, Lake Beauty, Camp Oak Hills, Camp Shamineau, Big Sandy, Mount Carmel Min, and Camp Lebanon. It was a full house! Then it was time to worship. Led by Monte, Tori, Parker, and Zach, everyone was blown away by the phenomenal experience. Next, Jim Johnson from Eagle Brook Church was welcomed on stage as the speaker. “Don’t Waste Your Life” was the theme of the message. Campers were challenged with, “Do you trust that God’s plan is specifically designed for you?” You are God’s Plan A for the situation you are in. YOU are the value in attending a Christian camp.

After Chapel, small break out groups were formed based on everyone’s interests or position at their camp. There were groups for program staff, guest ministries and marketing, food service, women’s ministry, and more! Encouragement and ideas were swapped, complemented by laughs and new friendships.

Tony prepared a delicious lunch of burgers with all the fixins! Good food and fellowship was a central part of the day. Conversations and information swaps continued over lunch and spilled over afterwards. Everyone was eager to learn anything and everything they could about changes and improvements they can make at their camp’s departments.

Tours, self-guided included, of Camp’s grounds and systems and games of Wiffleball and Laser Tag filled the remainder of the afternoon. Goodbye’s and “see you soon” accompanied guests as they leisurely went on their way home. The blessings of the day were evident on the faces of everyone in attendance!