The air is buzzing with excitement as these Junior Highers begin their week at camp! As they arrived yesterday, our staff directed them to the cabin they will be staying in this week. Once they got there, they were able to meet their counselor, and their cabin mates. After check-in, campers were able to take their swim tests, play games, and grab some treats from the canteen.
Next, we met at the Steps of Faith for “Who’s Who.” This is when our host for the week, Izzy, introduced us to all the staff members. We also found out who our cabin buddies are! (A cabin buddy is a non-counseling staff member that gets to hang out with your cabin for the week.)
After “Who’s Who,” we had a picnic lunch with our cabin. Burgers, veggies, chips and ice cream was the perfect meal for a hot summer night! We spread out around camp to get to know our counselor, cabin friend and cabin mates.
The next stop was the tent. This is where we met to learn the Top 10 Rules and Guidelines for having the Funnest Fun! We even got to have the lifeguards come to teach us the swimming and boating rules, and the fishing grandparents come and teach us teach us the fishing rules. Right after that, each cabin went on a tour of camp. Counselors showed their cabin important places around camp such as the tent, the steps, the buddy board, the bell tower, and the zipline!
After a fun-filled few hours in the sun, we were all hot and sticky. Thankfully, the lifeguards opened the waterfront for an evening swim! It as a nice way to have fun and cool down at the same time.
This morning we started off with the Polar Dip. This is when campers get to wake up and jump in the lake right away in the morning. After that, we met at the amphitheater for flag raising, a morning movement song to wake us up, and to learn our memory verse of the week (John 11:25-26).
Ask your camper about the first night of camp. What do they remember doing? What was the thing they were most excited about? Can they show you the actions for the memory verse?
Today, we also had men’s and women’s chapel. This is a special time to connect in smaller groups and talk about things relevant to us as young men and women of God. We worship together and listen to a message from one of the leadership staff to help us grow closer to God and to each other.
We can’t wait for all the fun that is going to happen the rest of the day!
Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below! Perfect to download, share, and print!