The last few days of camp are upon us, and these Junior Highers are ready to make the most of it!
Yesterday afternoon, we had clinics and seminars. Each staff member teaches a mini class on different subjects such as environmental stewardship, mental health, the new testament, improv, and even canoeing! The campers had a fantastic time learning new skills and facts.
Talk to your camper about clinics and seminars. Which ones did they attend? What was one thing they took away from the sessions? Are there any that they would like to learn more about?
Yesterday free time was full of fun as well! With swimming, zipline, crafts, laser tag and canteen, everyone had something entertaining to do!
On the docket for the evening was chapel and a game. For chapel, John encouraged us to share our faith with others. He spoke about the great commission and how Jesus calls us to show and teach others about about our faith. We are a called and blessed people, so we want to bless others in return!
After chapel, we played a game called Light and Seek! Cabins traveled together around camp and had to do tasks to earn glowsticks. Staff members hid, waiting for the arrival of cabins. Once the whole cabin was there, they’d assign a task for them to complete to earn the glowstick. Each color glowstick was worth different points depending on the difficulty of of the hiding place and the task. It was an exciting game!
This morning, we had our last polar dip of the week! Campers who completed it every day this week will get a prize valued somewhere between zero and one million dollars at closing rally. (Probably closer to zero…)
After TAG time this morning, campers headed to men and women’s chapel. Yesterday the men had a panel where the campers were able to ask questions and our leadership staff answered them. Today, women’s chapel is doing the same thing. Learning from mentors is an important part of our faith, and it is such a cool blessing to see these campers learning and growing during their week here.

Tonight, we get to have our famous Camp Lebanon campfire! We will hike out to Bass Point and sing worship songs, action songs, and hear a message from our speaker. In addition, we get to go on the infamous lion hunt with Bobber Bill. Maybe this will be the year we will finally catch him!
As Junior High 1 comes to a close, pray that these campers’ hearts will be touched by God. Pray that they will hear his voice leading and guiding them towards Him and his forgiveness and never ending love.
Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below! Perfect to download, share, and print!