It’s the last full day of camp!! It is a bittersweet day for many, but campers are determined to make the most of it!
To finish out yesterday, we had clinics and seminars, free time, and an early chapel session. During chapel, Drew reminded us that Jesus changes people. We have gone through three stories of people close to Jesus to see how their lives were changed because of him. Tonight we will hear the final story.
Ask your camper about chapel. Can they tell you who the four stories Drew told us were about? What did they learn from the stories? What was something all the stories had in common?
After chapel, it was time for a night game! Tonight we played Light and Seek. Campers traveled together with their cabins to find the “fireflies” (Staff members hidden around camp) Once they found one, they would have to complete a challenge and guess if the firefly would give them glowsticks or take them away. Each glowstick was worth a different number of points depending on the difficulty of finding it. This is definitely one of the favorite camp games this year!
This morning was sleep in day!!! After a fun, long few days at camp, everyone is ready for some extra sleep! Today everyone got an extra hour of sleep and woke up ready to go for the last full day of camp.
This morning, Russia cabin raised the flag for us. We did our daily morning movement and practiced our memory verse. This morning’s morning movement was called Chicago Fire. The first time you say it normally, and then you try to say it in Pig Latin! The campers thought it hilarious to watch the staff try and do it. We haven’t quite mastered it yet…

Next up is chapel. Today in men’s chapel they have a panel where the guys can submit questions that they have, and our leadership staff answers them. This week in women’s chapel we have been focusing on women in the bible. Today, our female lead counselor is giving a message about Hannah from 1st Samuel.
Talk to your camper about men’s and women’s chapel. What do they remember doing? What was something they were hoping to learned during that time? Can they summarize one of the messages for you?
We can’t believe our time with these campers is almost over! It has been such a blessing to see God working in their hearts and lives this week. As we head to the campfire tonight, pray that the campers would see the great love that Jesus has for them and how he desires a relationship with them more than they can even imagine!
Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below! Perfect to download, share, and print!