It is the last full day of Junior High 3, but that isn’t stopping these campers from soaking up the Funnest Fun here at Camp!
Yesterday, after lunch we gathered at the Steps of Faith for mail call, and then dispersed from there for clinics and seminars! Then, it was free time! In the midst of a busy day for me, I stepped outside the office to find the Hub lively and vibrant; buzzing with campers playing games and enjoying each other’s company. That was the highlight of yesterday’s free time for sure!

When the bell rang at 5:15 ending free time, we all met back at the Steps for flag lowering and dinner! After dinner, we all headed over to the tent for Chapel! Before Nate took the stage though, we got to play a camp favorite, “Gorilla Gets The Man”! Essentially, it’s full-body “rock, paper, scissors”, and it brings lots of energy, cheers, and smiles from campers!
"The Risen Lord saves. Do you believe this?"
Nate Miller
Then, after some worship, Nate got up and spoke on how Jesus is The Only Hope. How true and amazing is that?!
Talk with your camper about their experience in Chapel last night. Do they believe that Jesus died to save them? Did they make the choice to follow Jesus?
Following Chapel, it was evening free time, where campers can get some snacks from the canteen and hang out! Then it was time for a game! Last night’s game was “Light and Seek”, where the campers’ goal is to collect the most glow sticks, which count for cabin points! But, they must stay together as a cabin, catch the “fireflies” (which are just staff members wearing glow sticks), and there’s no way to know if the firefly will give or take away a glow stick! Communication and teamwork are important qualities cabins must use to find success in this game!
This gorgeous Thursday began a hour later than the rest of the week because it is sleep-in day! Even so, campers still got up and did the Polar Dip! How fun! The Phillipines cabin raised the flag for us this morning, and then it was time for breakfast! After eating, we split for morning Chapel, where the question panels answered questions that campers wrote down throughout the week. Then, there’s some morning free time before lunch line up!
Come back tomorrow to see the Top Ten Photos from the week!
Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below! Perfect to download, share, and print!