Camp Story | Ron & Jane Knudtsen

Jane and Ron’s connection to Camp Lebanon was brief but important because Camp is where they first met; a life of ministry together began at Camp Lebanon!

Sisters Sally Kading and Ann Wollenburg and their growing families regularly attend Camp Lebanon’s Mother/Daughter/Grandma and Women’s Retreats and Sally has served on the board of directors. Ann and Sally recently wrote, ”Our families love Camp Lebanon and we are delighted to celebrate the 75th year of Camp!” 

Sally and Ann were astonished, recently, to learn that their aunt and uncle met at Camp Lebanon! In the fall of 1949, their aunt, Jane Mayberry, and Ron Knudtsen were both attending St. Cloud State Teachers College in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Independently of each other, they arrived at camp for an Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Conference and met for the first time. Jane and Ron both became leaders in the Intervarsity group on the college campus. They began dating and both graduated from St. Cloud State. Jane went on to teach two years in Cloquet, Minnesota. After graduation, Ron attended Columbia School of the Bible in South Carolina and then transferred to Bethel Seminary. They were married in 1954.

Ron & Jane with their niece, Ann Isakson Wollenburg

Ron worked for Intervarsity in Iowa until 1959 when he and Jane moved to Colorado Springs where they served for many years at Bear Trap Ranch, the Intervarsity Camp located in the mountains near Colorado Springs. Jane and Ron’s connection to Camp Lebanon was brief but important because camp is where they first met; a life of ministry together began at Camp Lebanon!

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